Sunday, May 17, 2020

“Manufacturing” the news

—A very good friend of mine, who like me retired from driving bus for Regional Transit Service in Rochester…..
…. e-mailed me a YouTube link to a video bewailing the take-over of our nation by “Big Pharma.”
The “spokesman” declared he was gonna tell how the dreaded media were tools of “Big Pharma.”
I hear that and I grab my wallet. Truth revealed = send money.
At one point the “spokesman” trotted out three TV doctors. The two I remember are Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil.
Both disputed the validity of our COVID-19 pandemic. “45,000 people a year die in traffic accidents,” Dr. Phil said. “But we don’t stop the country for that.”
Heard it before.
“It’s just the flu, and it’s mild,” they said.
60,000 die from the flu every year, 480,000 from cigarettes, 680,000 from heart disease. But we don't lock down for them.
When COVID-19 began, I wondered like maybe the media was making a mountain out of a mole-hill.
I used to work at a newspaper, where we “manufactured” the news. I remember a fly-infestation making page-one above-the-fold all because some farmer spread chicken manure on his field which attracted flies.
Uhm, manure-smell comes with rural living. All I gotta do is go out back.
“It's a press-induced panic,” Dr. Drew said. (That was the third TV doctor: “Dr. Drew.”)
The import of this video was that Big Pharma is trying to take over our nation. That the media is owned by Big Pharma.
The video then ran all those TV doctors “apologizing.” Big Pharma funds their programs with ads, so those doctors better bow-and-scrape.
Ahem; maybe so, but I also know the media wants to report what sells.
—“If it bleeds, it leads.”
—“I don't care if you read the paper, just buy it!”
The national news drags in some whimpering relative regarding the death of another relative. Tears man, the public wants tears.

• For 16&1/2 years (1977-1993) I drove transit bus for Regional Transit Service (RTS) in Rochester, NY, a public employer, the transit-bus operator in Rochester and environs. My heart-defect caused stroke October 26th, 1993 ended that. I retired on medical-disability, and that defect was repaired. I recovered well enough to return to work at a newspaper; I retired from that almost 15 years ago.
• “Video” is a YouTube link. Click it readers. That’s the video.



Blogger Unknown said...

Certainly food for thought. I'm assuming "Big Pharma" are the "drug ompanies". They definitely are thieves. I have 2 prescriptions that are ridiculously expensive. So I went to a social worker on one, she in turn went to the drug company, now it is free. The other one, the doctor's nurse "found a coupon online", now it is $20. I sure have to be my own advocate, but I'm glad I know how -- most of the time.


10:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Like anything from the private sector, "Big Pharma" is there to maximize profits. They're not working for us. They work for shareholders and executives. This is the capitalism the right screams about supporting. Perhaps if we had a nation-wide health care system, the bargaining power of that block of people could keep prices down. But until the nation is ready to move that direction, I'm afraid this is how it is. I wish there was some sort of system that tried to fix this. Hmmm. Oh yeah. Obamacare.

8:02 AM  

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