Thursday, April 30, 2020


—Apple Computer, in a fit of incredible savvy, finagled an app that displays SMS text-strings onto my MacBook Pros.
Even my antique does it, not just my new rig. (OS-X El Capitan versus OS-X Catalina.)
How this happened I have no idea; it wasn’t a purchased app, not even a free app. In other words, it just appeared; I didn’t get it.
But it only displays “iMessages” = texts from an iPhone. Many of my friends are iPhone, but many aren’t.
The fact a text displays on my computer means I can respond on a real computer-keyboard; not the tiny “virtual keyboard” of a Smartphone.
Although with my iPhone I use voice-recognition, which is pretty good. But I hafta after-the-fact edit the flubs.
VR might slip in an F-bomb. (It’s happened.)
LA-DEE-DAH! I can review and respond to a text on this ‘pyooter.
But only an iMessage. It has to be an iPhone text.
Turf-war alert!
Apple refuses to display non-Apple texts.
If Steve Jobs were still alive I think he’d require non-Apple texts.
Displaying them would be so groovy its might sell more computers.
My iPhone has many wondrous tricks — as do all Smartphones.
To refuse to computer-display non-Apple texts is petty.
That would turn off the non-techies. “I wouldn’t touch a computer with a 10-foot pole! No Smartphones either!” (I have such friends.)
The fact a computer can display texts is only a minor fillip. The fact it cuts out non-iPhone texts is irksome.

• Apple Computer is essentially Steve Jobs. Together with Steve Wozniak, Jobs started Apple in 1976. Apple became a premiere computer company, with Jobs as CEO until he died of cancer in 2011. He also led Apple into other tech endeavors, like the iPhone and iPad. I’m driving an Apple MacBook Pro, and have an iPhone 11.



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