Thursday, May 07, 2020

It’s getting crazy!

—Perhaps a week or two ago Yr Fthfl Srvnt “shared” a “Vimeo” to his Facebook posted by my aquacise-instructor.
It was a “letter” from the COVID-19 virus about how life became too frantic, and COVID-19 would dial things back by reducing Earth’s population.
That aquacise-instructor is a “liberal,” although she wouldn’t like me saying that. Yrs Trly is a “bleeding-heart Liberial” (Gasp!), much to the dismay of my CONSERVATIVE siblings.
I look at my aquacise-instructor’s Facebook often because occasionally she posts something worth reading.
Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth! COVID-19 is ravaging Earth’s population.
Even The Donald is cowed. Notice how he stands idly by? He can’t do what he’d normally do, which is badmouth or fire someone. Firing Fauci would explode in his face.
Suddenly science is trumping Trump. He even suggests poisoning his supporters: internal UV light cleansing, guzzling disinfectant, and using untested “miracle” cures.
Enough about The Donald!
“We’re still here,” I said to my silly dog as I awoke this morning (Thursday, May 7th). It was 7:46; my dog wanted to go out.
I decided to not go back to bed, to try to keep going. An attempt to offset that 1 a.m. last night, and possibly get to bed tonight at a decent hour.
I began the morning’s processing: unload dishwasher, get dressed, etc.
But that 1 a.m. set in; I felt tired. I needed to lay back down.
As soon as I did: RING-RING from the other room. (I hadn’t pocketed my iPhone yet.)
I'm not answering. When I got up later it was only my aging aunt in KY. No voicemail; probably a misdial.
I laid back down, but as soon as I did RING-RING again from the other room.
Again I didn’t answer, but this was a valid call. It was my electrician, and he left a voicemail.
I called back later and we set up an appointment.
I laid back down, but again RING-RING as soon as I did.
This time it was my Bereavement-Counselor following up my day-before question about my next TeleMed appointment.
I started doing my Physical-Therapy homework exercises, which I interlace with preparing breakfast = eggs, actually EggBeaters.
This is laying-down too.
“Oh-OOO-ga!” (My text-alert: the Model-T horn.) My medical-practice wants me to confirm a TeleMed scheduled next Monday = Drop everything!
Life was becoming the frenzy that Vimeo talks about.
again. My electrician noticed I called him multiple times. “Tests,” I told him — now I know not to try that again.
I also need to put him and my counselor into my iPhone so I won’t think they’re spammers.
Do I ever get a spare minute?Dialing back” is TOAST!
“Stop.” “Remain silent.” “Listen.” the Vimeo says.
“RING-RING!” “Oh-OOO-ga!”

• I do aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool, two one-hour classes per week — plus a third hour on my own. (COVID-19 cancelled it.)
• I also do dry-land balance-training in Thompson Hospital’s Physical-Therapy department, which just restarted one-on-one with all kinds of anti-COVID-19 safety-measures.
• A sibling told me “Liberial” is the proper CONSERVATIVE spelling of “liberal.”
• “Bleeding-heart Liberial” is my sister, who died of cancer almost nine years ago. She was ardently CONSERVATIVE.
• Because of my wife’s death eight years ago I see a “Bereavement-Counselor” once per month.
• My iPhone’s ring-tone is not actually “ring-ring.” It’s a recording my brother-and-I got years ago of Nickel Plate 765, the BEST restored railroad steam-locomotive I’ve ever seen. 765 is as old as me. I’m a railfan since age-2. Both 765 and I are age-76.


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