Friday, May 01, 2020

“It is finished”

“Muck and mire.” (iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

—Constant-readers of this blog, and there are a few, know a few weeks ago my basement flooded.
My 30-year-old drain-to-daylight, original to the house, clogged with roots, or collapsed. It no longer drained my footer-drains, so backed up and filled my cellar with water about 5-6 inches deep. Enough to drown my furnace control-panel; that furnace being brand-new.
The West Bloomfield Fire-Department pumped me out, and my plumber came and installed a temporary sump-pump.
Mr. Rooter tried to clear my drain-to-daylight, but couldn’t. Even with their 4,000 pounds per square-inch jet rooter.
We’d have to bypass that plugged drain.
ServePro® dried out my cellar, and now DynaMole would install a new drain-to-daylight.
That meant digging up my backyard — all the way to a swale 180-200 feet behind my house.

The Big Dig begins. (My brother-from-Boston noticed the butt-crack right away.) —That’s my air-conditioning condenser bottom-left. (iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

—DynaMole brought in a large John Deere excavator.
“All went fine about three feet, but after that sand. You don’t need a big trench for an eight-inch drainpipe.
But the trench kept caving in. One foot became four feet.
When my (our) house was built, the contractor had the same problem. His cellar-hole kept caving in.
My house is built on “sinking-sand.” —That’s a Bible-song we youngsters sang in Sunday-School.
And that headline (above) is the last words of Christ on the Cross.

(iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

—After two days the trench was finished, and the workers started laying in pipe. Schedule-40 PVC; much heavier than my original drain. Which was good considering there was a large boulder that would be backfilled.
Spoil from our most recent Ice-Age; or placed by Satan to lead us astray. I was told that years ago regarding drumlins.
“If the King James Version was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!”
DynaMole had to connect everything such that my footer-drains drained into that new drain-to-daylight.
Then they could backfill their trench. Huge dirt-piles got shoved this-way-and-that with a plow on the front of their excavator.
So now my backyard is a mess. Muddy sand everywhere, and grass torn up by that heavy excavator — which was on rubberized ‘dozer tracks.
DynaMole is supposed to return some day after it dries out. They will rake it, and hopefully seed it with a hydro-seeder.
I’m still able to walk my dog, but very carefully. I think mowing that area is out for at least a year.

“It is finished.” (iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

• RE: “It is finished……” John 19:30 (NKJV).
• “Muck and mire” are words my brother used to describe my sister’s life before she found religion. (That sister is gone.)
• Boston referred to its gigantic super-highway tunnel project as “The Big Dig.”


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