Friday, September 20, 2019


—“This is the stuff that always runs out,” I said to a lady perusing VitaminWater® in the funky water aisle at my supermarket.
“High in vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes,” it claims.
I was pointing to “orange-orange,” but she misunderstood. She thought I was referring to “dragon-fruit,” which she just loaded up.
Cut her some slack! She’s not stupid! Make a sudden remark and it’s usually misunderstood. You’re breaking someone’s reverie.
I loaded up four “orange-orange;” four for five smackaroos. “I always check, because often they don’t have it.”
“My son likes ‘dragon-fruit,’ so I load up on that,” she commented.
Months ago my aquacise instructor at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming-pool began talking about her insistence we “stay hydrated.”
“So what do you suggest?” I asked. “For me it’s coffee regularly, soda occasionally, and grapefruit-juice cut one-to-one.
“VitaminWater®,” she said. I didn’t realize it was a brand.
All over my supermarket I looked. Bottled fizz-water, Gatorade, Polynesian Exotica at $4.95 per tiny vial, etc.
Finally I happened to notice it — that it was a brand.
Suddenly VitaminWater was in, and coffee was out.
I cut it two water to one VitaminWater. And it’s not “Zero,” which is Aspartame. Never in a million years!
I also spike it with one packet of Emergen-C®, plus a heaping teaspoon of powdered fiber.
I’ve wanted to get off coffee for years.
“So I guess you and I are the ones running this stuff out,” I said to the lady. “Me the ‘orange-orange,’ and you the ‘dragon-fruit.’”
VitaminWater comes in many flavors, but it looks like “orange-orange” is the one that sells.
Every time I’m in that supermarket I check out the VitaminWater. Often all the other flavors are there, but not the “orange-orange.”

• For 2-3 years or more I did aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool. I dropped out for the moment so I could try dry-land balance-training at a hospital Physical-Therapy. I continue to use the pool on-my-own.
• I’m not sure about “dragon-fruit;” in fact, it may not exist. She may have been loading up on something else.


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