Sunday, September 22, 2019

RE: striking up conversations
with complete strangers

—My Internet-browser, Firefox 69.0.1, makes daily suggestions of articles I might wanna read.
The other day it suggested something about striking up conversations with complete strangers. That it’s beneficial.
I find myself doing that a lot more since my wife died. Before I kept to myself. NO ONE WILL TALK TO YOU, ESPECIALLY PRETTY GIRLS!”
Yrs Trly is a graduate of the Hilda Q. Walton School of Gender Relations. Together with my hyper-religious parents, she convinced me I was despicable and disgusting.
With her all males, including me at age-5, were SCUM! With my parents I was rebellious because I couldn’t worship my father.
A lifeguard at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming-pool turned that around. She said hello to me by name in passing. I’m sure she was just being sociable, but I was dumbfounded. “NO PRETTY GIRL WILL TALK TO YOU!” But there was that lifeguard.
There were earlier contacts, but that lifeguard blew me away. She flip-flopped my entire childhood.
Suddenly Faire Hilda and my parents were WRONG! I find this out 70 years late.
Similar contacts occurred since. I even “fell for” that lifeguard, for lack of a better term. Despite my many flubs, she kept talking to me, and we seem to have got past my “falling for her.”
“Gotta say goodbye to this receptionist,” I said to my therapist as I walked out of my hospital physical-therapy. Got a smile!
I flirt like crazy.
I always get a smile. This is so contrary to how I was brought up = I can’t resist!
Wave goodbye to two ladies who fondled my dog at Kershaw Park. SMILE ALERT! They love it; the attention, I guess.
That receptionist knows my name,” I said to my therapist. I get my therapist laughing too.
Both male and female. Although with men ya gotta be careful, lest ya get some macho Trump wannabee. Ladies are more fun.
“I think Pittsburgh is spelled with an ‘H’,” I said to a complete stranger in my supermarket.
“No, it’s ‘Gettysburg’,” she smiled.
A while ago a lady walked toward me after I parked my car in a supermarket parking-lot. She was wearing a “Delaware” teeshirt, and I didn’t know her from the Moon.
“I’m from Delaware,” I said, which began a conversation.
“My daughter attends University of Delaware in Newark,” she said. “She loves it!”
“That’s about 20 miles south of where I’m from,” I said. “I’m north of Wilmington.”
“So why are you here?”
“Long and sorry story,” I said. ”You don’t wanna hear it!”
I wouldna done that 10 years ago. Things sure have changed since my wife died, partly because of that lifeguard. NO PRETTY LADY WILL TALK TO YOU!” Yet there was that lifeguard.
So begins the article. (The entire article is on my Facebook.)

• Hilda Q. Walton was my immediate neighbor and Sunday-School Superintendent when I was a child. Like my parents she was hyper-religious. She convinced me all males, including me at age-5, were SCUM; “NO PRETTY GIRL WILL TALK TO YOU!” Her husband was probably fooling around. My parents heartily agreed, since I was already rebellious for not worshiping my father.
• Kershaw Park is a small city park north of Canandaigua Lake — City of Canandaigua. Many people walk their dogs there on leash with poopie bags. I take my dog there once a week to socialize with humans.


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