Thursday, June 13, 2019

“Yer not letting me do this.....”

I allow Killian on the furniture. (iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

—I took an iPhone picture (above) yesterday morning of my dog on my Castro Convertible, which I just made so he could use it. I use a dog-sham.
I’d text that picture to Killian’s previous owner, plus my aquatic balance-training instructor at the Canandaigua YMCA, also a dog-person.
I found my photo in my iPhone pictures, and selected it. I then hit the “share” icon, and selected “text.”
I then voiced *** *****, which gives me *** plus ****** **** ******, as well as just ***. (Two “send” options.)
“What?” I say. “‘Cancel’ my foot! Where’s the ‘send?”
Apparently everything has to be just so; rules of ‘pyooter-engagement understood only by millennials.
Into the ozone!
Yer not letting me do this.....”
Engage guile-and-cunning = a workaround to defeat the iPhone techies.
Fire up “text;” voice *** *****, to get the *** and ****** **** option again. I now can text both. Hit the “add picture” icon, and I select the picture I just took.
Off it goes! Mind over iPhone.
Why do I hafta do everything just so? This took at least 15 minutes of figgerin’.
I know, I was born in the wrong century, when things were freer than they are now.

• My current dog, “Killian,” is a “rescue Irish-setter.” He’s ten, and is my seventh Irish-Setter, an extremely lively dog. I’ve had him over a year. A “rescue Irish setter” is usually an Irish Setter rescued from a bad home; e.g. abusive or a puppy-mill. Or perhaps its owner died. (Killian was a divorce victim.) By getting a rescue-dog I avoid puppydom, but the dog is often messed up. —Killian was fine. He’s my fifth rescue.
• Both *** and ****** **** have iPhones.

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