Sunday, June 02, 2019

My way or the highway!

“Is that guy still on?”
Sputter — pop — fizzle! “Awful temerity, unmitigated gall, and horrific audacity....”
It was Rush Limbaugh fulminating from the car-radio next to where I parked at a nearby grocery.
I was in a handicap slot, as was the car next to mine. A grizzled geezer was inside listening to Rush.
I considered commenting, but didn’t wanna get shot.
“I thought Rush was Trumped!” I’d say.
Since when does a guy married eight times speak for CONSERVATIVES? Rush is so loaded with pills his blustering is suspect; better living through chemistry.
Rush excoriates the dreaded media. Hello; Rush is as much the media as Time Magazine or NBC.
“What we say is always true,” he’ll claim.
Hello again. It’s true if it flies. Rush will make some wild claim, then see if it gains traction.
Usually it does. People are justifiably upset with the status quo, especially those who set policy.
Burn baby burn! Drill baby drill! No regard for consequences, especially from them hoity-toity scientists.
I met grizzle-man again inside the store. He just purchased a lottery-ticket, and it won him only a dollar.
“It’s them Liberals!” he growled, expecting me to agree.
“All Liberals should be lined up and shot!” said my brother’s wife’s father at a long-ago Thanksgiving.
“Does that include me?” I wailed.
A friend bewails Trump wanting to divide-and-conquer. No longer is the prez a unifier.
“All opponents should be lined up and shot!”


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