Tuesday, March 30, 2021

For the heck of it…

—Yr Fthfl Srvnt decided to Facebook-search one of his pretty lady friends.
I happen to know her full name; with most of my lady friends I don’t.
So I fired up my Facebook. It goes direct to my “Timeline;” I never log out.
In the past I been able to Facebook-search direct through a search-window on my “Timeline.”
I poked around. No search-window on my “Timeline.” I tried this and I tried that, bombing each try.
At least an hour got blown, and I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet.
So I called my brother in DE, my fallback Facebook authority.
He was Bluetoothing in his car.
I don’t do much with Facebook, but my younger siblings do. I don’t have 4,000 FB “friends,” (maybe 60), and I’m first-born.
I post these blogs to Facebook, and occasional “Pearls-of-Wisdom” I steal (or “share”) from some fellow Facebooker.
But I don’t use Facebook as a means of communicatin’. FB “Messenger” is better than e-mail, but you gotta be Facebook “friends” to use it.
“Facebook is always changing things,” my brother said.
“Ya don’t say!” I exclaimed. “And always unannounced.”
“Don't worry Manny,” SuckerBird would say. “That Hughes guy will call his brother in DE. At age-77 he shouldn’t be drivin’ Facebook!”
“Go to your ‘Homepage’,” my brother suggested.
I never look at my “Homepage,” but it had a search-window.
I cranked in the name of my lady-friend, and there she was, among ten others with the same name.
“Well HOORAY!” I said. “And no scantily-clad buxom hotties displaying acres of exposed cleavage.
This was better than the FB search I did years ago for a pretty high-school classmate.
Acres and acres of exposed cleavage — these tarts were clearly not my high-school friend — same class as me: ’62.
89 bazilyun boobies to scroll through = “I can't breathe!”
That “Homepage” was my solution to an earlier Facebook problem.
Guess I gotta fire up my “Homepage” first. I guess that’s what a login throws up first, except I’m always logged in, but to my “Timeline.”
That “Timeline” is all I care about. I’m not drivin’ Facebook every minute of the day.
So will I “friend-request” my pretty lady friend? Probably not.
We seem to be real friends, and my liking her is better than a Facebook “like.”

• “SuckerBird” is Mark Zuckerberg, founder and head-honcho of Facebook.



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