Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Thinkin’ about pretty *****

—“Too much thinkin’ again,” my critics would shriek.
Thinkin’ about pretty *****, head-honcho of my pharmacy in Honeoye Falls.
***** isn’t gorgeous, but she’s pretty enough to have been intimidating years ago. She’s a tiny little thing with long brunette tresses and pretty blue eyes.
“Gotta say hello to ***** before I leave,” I say.
She bounces up from her workstation toward the counter so we can talk.
And sometime ago she seemed to badmouth her husband.
What did I just do, readers?
I recognized and said something to her, which made her happy. “YIPPEE, that Hughes guy; we can talk!”
***** always seemed angry before, but that was before where she is now. That was when she worked for a big-box pharmacy; trained as a pharmacist, but used as a clerk. She’s much happier now, which I can see; which makes me happier too.
She also loves talking. A typical female I guess. She’s eager to talk, and hesitates going back to work.
Marriage can ruin things. You end up taking your partner for granted.
I’m not married to *****. I might see her once a week — two weeks recently.
She goes home to her husband every night, and probably gets taken for granted. Not as pleasant as being met by some dude thrilled to meet her.
Would I be similarly thrilled if we were married?
I think we feed on each other. The fact I like seeing her makes her like seeing me. It adds up. We end up really enjoying each other’s company.
I have other lady friends I enjoy meeting. They counter no pretty lady will ever associate with you!”
A few weeks ago I noted to one of them if I was the least bit hesitant or tentative about meeting her, she probably would pick up on that, and not respond favorably. Being scared of her would get misperceived as avoiding her. (Even if I’m scared, I’m avoiding her.)
Not a problem with pretty *****. She always bounces away from her workstation as soon as I show up. I’m no longer scared of pretty *****.
One of my female contacts is rather impressive. We strike sparks occasionally, but she’s semi frightening. I always wonder why she even associates with me.
Would that I be as confident meeting her as I seem to be with *****.

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