Sunday, January 21, 2018


“So far so good, but I feel like I’m starting to get sick,” I texted *****-**** ******, my aquacise coach at the Canandaigua YMCA pool.
I began aquacise some time ago, to hopefully improve my balance, which at that time was dreadful. I suppose it’s better, but I still feel it’s lousy.
When I began *****-**** gave me her phone-number; probably so I could cancel — we started individually.
I never called her, but somehow I found later I could text her. She also gave me her e-mail address, but text limits verbosity, which as a word-slinger I generate way too much.
I also found I could avoid distracting *****-**** if she had another patient — client — user — whatever. (I could tell stories.)
As a stroke-survivor I find my verbal communication crash-likely; not bad, but slightly compromised. (“You talk just fine!”) Most often I forget things, or lose track of what I was gonna say. I often slur, so hafta repeat, speaking slowly.
I always have 89 bazilyun questions, and feel like I’m beating my head against the wall.
So text it became, usually mainly me.
But this time “Lots of C. Lots of water. I take Oscillococcnum at the first time of not feeling well.”
“What’s Oscillococcnum?” I asked.
“Homeopathic med found in most pharmacies. Ask your pharmacist, and do it today.”
DROP EVERYTHING! ‘Pyooterin’ aside.
“Okay *****-****, off-we-go.”
She sent the thumbs-up emoticon.
Off to see pretty *****, my pharmacist, who seems happier since she left RiteAid to go out on her own. I took along my iPhone so I could show ***** “Oscillococcnum;” (NO WAY am I gonna correctly pronounce that!)
“Back from drugstore. Now what?” Instructions were obscure.
On-and-on it went; at least 30 more texts, and that doesn’t include tomorrow. Every couple days I find myself deleting 20 or more texts from our ever-growing string. I think the first time, maybe a month ago, I deleted 75 in one fell swoop.
*****-**** and I hit the jackpot. Our text-string is much bigger than any of my others. And it appears the Oscillococcnum is working; that is, I don’t feel as sick-prone.

• RE: “word-slinger.....” — “But Dr. Zink (my 12th-grade English-teacher), all it is is ‘slinging words.’” “Hughes, you write way better than most.”
• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. I pretty much recovered. Just tiny detriments; I can pass for never having had a stroke.
• RE: “I could tell stories.....” —Shortly after my stroke I began meeting a stroke rehab counselor. “What am I today? A patient, a client, a user — whatever.” (They were changing that frequently.)


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