Sunday, April 20, 2014


Legacies. (Photo by BobbaLew.)

My wife and I lived 22 years in my current house.
She died a little over two yeas ago.
(April 20th, 2014.) (Photo by Bobbalew.)
My wife of over 44 years died of cancer April 17th, 2012. I miss her dearly.
She and I designed this house. An architect drew it up, and a contractor built it for us.
Our intent was to ease advancing age. Everything is on one floor, even the laundry and freezer. I rarely have to go down to the basement.
I also don’t have to climb stairs to get to my bedroom. It’s on the same floor.
The doors are all 36-inch; wide enough to pass a wheelchair, although I’m not in one yet.
The house is also super-insulated. Foot-thick exterior walls filled with fiberglass insulation.
Our goal was to reduce heating-costs. Our furnace is small enough for the average 1,200 square-foot house, although I think I’m 1,952 square-feet.
I also don’t have to turn on my whole-house air-conditioning until late June.
Over those 22 years my wife planted any number of things throughout our gigantic lawn.
Our house is on a retired cornfield. We let a lot of it reforest, but at least 2+ acres is grass.
I don’t know as what’s pictured is one of my wife’s transplants.
I know the bleeding-hearts next to our shed are. Those bleeding-hearts won’t flower for a while. I think I blogged them last year, although I thought they were something else.
I decided to walk my dog around our property last night (Saturday, April 19th, 2014), instead of to a small town park up the road.
My left knee aches. It seems to have worsened with advancing age; that is, as everything else got weaker.
I can do property-walks off-leash. My wife and I had a gigantic five-foot chain-link fence installed around our property so I could. It cost $16,000!
It keeps my dog safely out of the highway: NY State Route 65.
As I hobbled around my property, I came upon the daffodils pictured.
As I said, I don’t know as my wife planted ‘em, but I’m sure she nurtured ‘em.
I started crying.
Legacies like this are all over my property.
Under my bedroom are hostas my wife planted.
Every time she pointed them out, I’d say “Hasta-la-Vista, Baby!”

• My current dog is “Scarlett” (two “Ts,” as in Scarlett O’Hara), a rescue Irish-Setter. She’s almost nine, and is my sixth Irish-Setter, a high-energy dog. (A “rescue Irish Setter” is an Irish Setter rescued from a bad home; e.g. abusive or a puppy-mill. [Scarlett was from a failed backyard breeder.] By getting a rescue-dog, we avoid puppydom, but the dog is often messed up. —Scarlett isn't bad. She’s my fourth rescue.)



Blogger camerabanger said...

My wife and I designed and built our home-Literally built it. Three years, every weekend, holiday, vacation...w/ three little boys in tow. Banging every nail, hanging every door, taping, painting, framing, you get the picture. It is on three levels, has enough stairs and hillside climbs to destroy a Grady-Knee ten times over.

If my wife died tomorrow I would put the for sale sign on the lawn tomorrow night.

ps. never got your train calendar so I am putting a "hit" out on you. Couple of Canadian killers will be knocking on your door any minute so get right with your creator, Grady! signed, Camerabanger.

3:58 AM  
Blogger BobbaLew said...

I need a snail-male address.

11:57 AM  

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