Monday, April 08, 2013

You ain’t helping me, Word®

I consider myself fairly competent on a computer.
Not a techno-maven, but better than many.
It was better when my wife was alive.
There were two of us; so if some strange hairball occurred, two of us were on the case.
Usually it was me that figured a solution, although my wife had input.
That was only because it was me that knew what I wanted. I was using my wife as a tool.
Regarding computers, there’s the word-processor issue; namely what word-processor do I use?
I have two: Microsoft’s Word, and Apple’s “Pages.” —Actually I have three. I also have Neo-Office, but it’s buried, and I don’t use it. It’s too flakey!
“Pages” is my default word-processor. I don’t use Word; it punishes stroke-survivors like me with sloppy keyboarding. Hit some errant key by mistake, and you get sent off into the unknown, and/or everything you just typed is vaporized.
Gates seems to be getting even. Dare make a mistake and you get punished.
“Pages” is tolerant of sloppy keyboarding.
“Pages” is the most recent iteration of Appleworks, which no longer exists. “Pages” has Appleworks-6 in it. It even opens old Appleworks files with all the formatting.
Word opens only as text.
I fell into Appleworks at the Messenger newspaper, since they were Apple Macintosh based.
I tried “Word for MAC,” but it was too unfriendly. It has certain functions Appleworks didn’t have, which is all I use Word for.
But for general word-processing, I use “Pages,” and before that I used Appleworks.
When I first started, it was Appleworks-5. I think Appleworks was ClarisWorks renamed after Apple purchased it.
My home machine had Appleworks-5, and then I purchased Appleworks-6 when it came out.
When I switched to this MacBook Pro laptop, I wanted to install Appleworks-6, but I was told Appleworks no longer existed. It had been replaced by “Pages.”
My ‘pyooter-guy, who set up this here laptop, installed Neo-Office, some MAC version of a PC word-processor free-ware.
I used it a while, but it was too flakey. It’s spellcheck was undependable.
“Pages” was not free, although there was a free 30-day trial.
I tried it a while, and found it better. So I purchased “Pages.”
I’m essentially a copy/paster, taking advantage of the personal-computer’s most outstanding function.
I have a slew of “Pages” text-files I copy/paste into other applications; for example, addresses I copy/paste into Word’s envelope-generator.
That’s Pages-to-Word.
Yesterday (Sunday, April 7th, 2013) I had to do an envelope for which I didn’t have a Pages address-file.
So I fired up Word’s envelope-generator and cranked directly into that.
Okay, save into my Pages business addresses.
Won’t compute; it’s a Word-file.
So copy from the generator window, and paste into a blank Pages file and save that.
Also won’t work! Word’s envelope-generator is not a text-file.
It’s a PNG or maybe a PDF.
I can’t copy-paste Word-to-Pages, but I can do Pages-to-Word.
To create a Pages address-file of this particular address, I gotta crank it myself.
You’re not helping me, Word.
Thank you, Bill!
Why are you always so unfriendly to me?

• My beloved wife of over 44 years died of cancer April 17th, 2012. At the time she was 68. I’m now 69 — she was a month older than me.
• I had a stroke October 26, 1993, from which I pretty much recovered.
• “Gates” and “Bill” are Bill Gates, head-honcho of Microsoft.
• The “Messenger” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired almost seven years ago. Best job I ever had — I worked there almost 10 years (over 11 if you count my time as a post-stroke unpaid intern (“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city nearby where I live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 14 miles away.)
• “‘Pyooter” is computer.



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