Thursday, November 10, 2011

Election day

“Boy I sure am glad Election is over,” said a guy in the Canandaigua YMCA locker-room yesterday (Wednesday, November 9, 2011).
“I was sick of all those TV ads.”
“Vote for me,” said another; “and all will be sweetness and light.”
“Throw the bums out,” I was tempted to say. “Replace ‘em with another set of bums.
And then next election cycle we throw those bums out, and install another set of bums.”
And so it goes, forever and ever.
But I didn’t say anything.
Tuesday, November 8, was Election day.
I work out in the Canandaigua YMCA Exercise-Gym, appropriately named the “Wellness-Center,” usually three days per week, about two-three hours per visit.
(“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city to the east nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” It’s about 14 miles away.)
“We made history!” screamed some fat flunky pumping the arm of Maggie Brooks, who had been re-elected County Executive of adjacent Monroe County, location of Rochester, NY.
We live in Ontario County, in the Rochester area, southeast of Monroe County.
I don’t think so.
If Maggie’s hand-picked candidate for District Attorney had been elected, it would have been historical.
But he wasn’t. He lost to a Democrat (gasp).
Maggie is Republican, as is this area.
Her re-election was pretty much assured.
People are considering running her for U.S. Senate, but that may be a mistake.
New York State is not Monroe County.
Maggie’s opposition was Sandra Frankel, supervisor of the Town of Brighton, southeast of Rochester, a suburb.
Mud flew back and forth.
Various scandals occurred during Maggie’s past administration, and they were aired.
“Had enough?” said Frankel.
“Elect Frankel and get scandals under her,” I thought.
A gigantic ad, at least two minutes, was on TV, demonstrating all the good feelings created by Maggie.
Thankfully this wasn’t a major election.
We only saw about a month of ads, not three months.
“Mud season,” I declared to my wife as the ads began.
Accusations of scandal under Maggie, and tax and salary increases under Frankel in Brighton.
“$35,000 in salary increases to herself over the years!” screamed an accusatory Maggie ad.
“$35,000 sounds like a restrained salary increase over the years,” I commented. “Keeping up with inflation.
I wonder how much Maggie has blown up her salary?”
We never heard about that. —Tit for tat.
Maggie bragged about her flat tax-rate.
Although she had to do various financial shenanigans to maintain it.
County finances are always up against unfunded mandates.
Thankfully this kind of posturing doesn’t fly in Ontario County.
The previous Canandaigua Town Supervisor tried that. Bombast and vitriol.
He was thrown out of office after a drunk-driving conviction.
(Which he of course protested as a liberal witch-hunt.)
So not much was happening election-wise in Ontario County.
But since our TV comes from Rochester, we get all the Monroe County political ads.
About all that was happening was local councilperson elections, and they don’t make Rochester TV.
Beyond that, our little town, West Bloomfield, had a proposition to authorize building of a new town hall, 1.98 million dollars, The “Taj Ma-hall.”
It was voted down; second time.

• RE: “Democrat (gasp)....” —All my siblings are tub-thumping REPUBLICANS; but I’m not, so I’m of-the-Devil.


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