Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Does anyone remember......

......it was president George W. Bush that instituted the TARP bailout funds (Troubled Assets Relief Program), not Obama-lama-ding-dong?
I have avoided the two most volatile topics in my blogs, politics and religion, lest I inflame readers.
But this is laughable.
People are blaming Obama for bailouts.
Enough madness and insanity occur outside of religion and politics.
Before Obama we were on the brink of depression more severe than the Great Depression.
And I hate to say it but Obama has a point.
“I say the sky is blue; the Republicans say no.
I say there are fish in the sea; the Republicans say no.”
No matter, the Tea Partiers will do anything to get their cronies elected, including take advantage of the ignorance of the electorate.
Somehow I think Sarah-baby would be totally unprepared, say, for example, the nuclear bombing of Baltimore by terrorists.
Just like Dubya with Katrina; “Brownie, you’re doin’ a heck of a job!”
A friend has it right: “Sarah is a PTA-mom in way over her head.”
Another friend, near Boston, remarked “Bristol Palin is a star on ‘Dancing With the Stars?’” (I call it “Dancing With the Tarts.”)
My wife said the same thing.
Plus she added “her only claim to fame is having a child out of wedlock.”
I got it; Balloon-Boy for president, or perhaps Octomom.
Years ago I would have said Clarabell from Howdy-Doody.
Leadership qualities are to spray bin Laden with a seltzer-bottle.
And then blow your horn.
Elect Moe; bring back the Stooges.

• My wife of almost 43 years is “Linda.” Like me she’s retired.
• “Clarabell” (“klara-bell”) was a mute clown on the Howdy-Doody TV show. He used to spray the show’s emcee (“Buffalo Bob”) with a seltzer-bottle. Since he was mute, he used horns on his belt. Howdy-Doody was a string puppet voiced by Buffalo Bob. The show started in 1947 as TV began.
• The Three Stooges; Moe, Curly, and Larry.


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