Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Silver Sneakers pedometer

The week including Labor Day (last week) is always maintenance week at the Canandaigua YMCA.
The Canandaigua YMCA is closed all week for maintenance.
Which means a vacation for me from working out.
Unless I wanna drive all the way to Geneva. PASS!
I work out in the Canandaigua YMCA Exercise-Gym, 2-3 days per week.
I do it mainly to keep the old ticker going; cardio machines, and also strength and balance training.
I’m 66.
It seems a challenge sometimes, but my blood-pressure is down without medication, and I’m slowly losing weight.
The cardio machines are over 900 calories. I figure 1,000 calories per session.
I also had a stroke a while ago (1993). It compromised my balance.
My balance seems improved since I began the balance-training.
Working out also kills time; about 3-4 hours per session.
So here I was not working out for a week.
—The usual surfeit of grocery visits and errands, which normally get hooked to working out.
I had to go to the Canandaigua Wegmans, a drag without a trip in the same direction, e.g. the Canandaigua YMCA. We live in West Bloomfield.
But now it’s back to the old grind.
The torrent of all-important errands and medical appointments hooked to working out, and walking our dog, and mowing our HUGE lawn.
Everything has to be wedged in.
We have to keep a schedule.
And mowing lawn is weather-dependent, as is walking our dog.
It’s madness and exasperating, but I’m probably in better shape than most my age.
So yesterday (Monday, September 13, 2010) I was given a pedometer as I walked into the YMCA.
I scanned in at the front desk like I usually do.
“Robert?” a voice said.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“A gift for being one of the first 50 Seniors here today.”

• My health-insurance pays my YMCA membership; it’s called “Silver Sneakers.”
• “Canandaigua” (“cannon-DAY-gwuh”) is a small city nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 15 miles away. The city of Geneva is about 20 miles further east. (We live in the small rural town of West Bloomfield in Western NY, southeast of Rochester.)
• “Wegmans” is a large supermarket-chain based in Rochester we often buy groceries at. They have a store in Canandaigua.
• “Robert” is of course me, Robert Hughes.



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