Friday, September 10, 2010

I don’t need it

Yrs trly has given up on Facebook.
I suppose this makes me an old fogey.
This is despite many of my friends communicating via Facebook.
One friend suggested the only time he fired up Facebook was when he was bored.
I get Facebook “friend” invites all the time, respond favorably to a few, and never hear from them again.
Do they fire up Facebook at all?
I gave up because Facebook changed something.
I was posting blog-links to Facebook as “notes.”
They worked fine for a while, but not long ago they stopped working.
Click a blog-link now and it goes to “page not found.”
I considered contacting Facebook, but a Facebook “friend” I hear from fairly often suggested I don’t.
He made sense.
Facebook is always dorking around.
Every time I fire it up something is slightly different.
It looks the same, but something is different in the background.
Like how it works.
And it seems every so-called “improvement” they make screws up something.
So his advice was I not contact them lest they screw something up.
So I walked away.
No more blog-links as Facebook notes.
My Facebook Internet tab is still on, but I rarely fire it up.
Posting a blog-link note was reason to look at “home.”
Usually just a few posts from friends that use Facebook.
And comments thereto; usually short and torpid.
My family had a web-site I walked away from too, but only because one family-member was continually badmouthing me.
My family’s web-site was much more active than Facebook.
And private.
You had to be a member; you had to be invited.
Facebook is the same, but there you have 89 bazilyun members (“friends”).
My family’s web-site (based in Utah) tried to upgrade years ago, but everyone rebelled.
What was wrong with the old way of doing things?
It worked fine.
That “improvement” may have crashed.
I used to have an Internet e-mail.
They upgraded it, making it much worse.
Mainly bog-slow.
I ended up walking away from it, back to my old RoadRunner e-mail, which I still had — and still use.

• “RoadRunner” is Time-Warner’s Internet-service-provider, via cable. I use RoadRunner.



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