Wednesday, October 29, 2008

“Everybody bad”

Political season is at highest dudgeon.
Frantic mud-slinging is rampant on the airwaves.
The political badmouthing is almost continuous.
I usually zap the ads, but “Oh, we gotta hear this!”
First, a little preliminary explanation:
—1) The U.S. Postal Service is supposed to keep track of political mailings, so.......
—2) Each Post-Office is supposed to count the mailings before delivery.
—3) The candidates in our area are mainly incumbant REPUBLICAN Randy Kuhl (“Cool”) for Congress, versus Democratic challenger Eric Massa (“Mah-ssuh”). (Massa almost won last time.)
—4) Fran, the postmaster at the West Bloomfield Post-Office where my wife works part-time, has set aside two bins for the mailings, one labeled “Massa-bad,” and the other “Kuhl-bad.”
This is because every political mailing lobs mud at the opponent: “Massa will extend healthcare to illegal aliens!” “50,000 jobs outsourced from New York under Kuhl-Bush!”
I should add in the previous election it was pointed out that Kuhl was arrested for threatening an ex-wife with a loaded shotgun.
“I’m Randy Kuhl, and I heartily approve the wild fabrications in this here ad.”
I think of that shotgun bit every time I hear Kuhl say that, looking overly sincere and earnestly concerned in his smiling mugshot.
Massa’s latest TV ad claims Kuhl’s accusation about healthcare for illegal aliens is patently false (“Why I oughta.......”).
“Kuhl voted to privatize Social Security!” (“POINK!”)
An aging Granny looks at the camera, and says “Randy, give us a break!” (“Why soitenly! Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk-nyuk..... ”)
I could say it’s a Stooges skit, but what it really has become is political discourse a la Limberger.
And since no one is listening any more, Limbaugh has wicked it up. (Overly catatonic — freaked out on OxyContin®.)
So now what we’re doing is catagorizing the political ads: “Massa-bad” and “Kuhl-bad.” “Kryzan-bad” versus “Lee-bad.”
Kryzan (Alice) and Lee are running for the seat west of here of retiring Congressman Tom Reynolds, a REPUBLICAN, and the ultimate Kiwanian drudge.
Kryzan, a Democrat, has remained above the fray, only pointing out that “Chris Lee has called me every name in the book.”
But the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has accused Lee of shipping jobs overseas, and selling privileged military information to the Chinese when he sold his company.
Ancient footage is trotted out of whitewalled trucks from the ‘50s carrying missiles through Tiananmen Square, and goosestepping troops. (“Why I oughta........”)
“This ad approved by Chris Lee:” “We don’t need another liberal trial-lawyer in Congress,” the announcer screams. (“Here, see this?”)
“Liberal” is in bold red letters, the dreaded L-word.
“Kryzan never created a job!” (“POINK!)
“I have never taken any money from special-interests,” Kryzan says.
“She’s lying,” the announcer bellows. “She’s taken money from extremist groups!” (Union PACs?)
“All Chris Lee cares about is himself!” (“Soitenly!”)
The same shenanigans Kryzan pointed out in her primary-winning TV ad.
I will now see if I can get YouTube links to some of these ads.

When I see a political ad on TV I say “everybody-bad.”

  • RE: “I usually zap the ads......” —We record the news, and zap the ads while watching.
  • We live in “West Bloomfield” in western New York.
  • My wife of 40+ years is “Linda.” Like me she’s retired, but she works part-time at the West Bloomfield post-office.
  • “Limberger” is Rush Limbaugh. I call him that because I think he stinks.
  • RE: “Union PACs......” (Political-Action-Committees) —My siblings are all flagrantly anti-union.

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