Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bach’s D-minor organ toccata

The other afternoon (probably Friday, October 24, 2008) I got a machine telephone call from the Ontario County chapter of the American Red Cross.
“Tya-dee-daaa; tya-dee-dee-dah-dahhhhhhhh!” it shrieked.
“Bomp-boom-bahhhhh; bomp-boom-boom-boom-baaaaaah!”
Bach’s D-minor organ toccata.
“Boom-boom-baaaa; boom-boom-boom-bomp-bahhhhhhhhh!”
“Boom-boom-boom-bah; tya-dee-dahhhhhhhh.”
“Hoo-ha-ha-haaaaah! This is Count Draculaaaaaaaaah............
.....calling to tell you I need blood; ha-ha-hahhhhhhhhhh!
A blood-drive will be held at First Congregational Church in your area this coming Monday from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m.”
“What?” —I slammed down the phone.
I gave blood once, long ago.
Wiped me out. Never again.
My wife gave blood last year and feinted.
But why can’t they just announce their blood-drive?
Dragging in Count Dracula is sick.
Their silly attempt at humor turned me off.
Also, why is Bach’s D-minor toccata always hooked up with horror?
Seems someone did that in a movie, and now it’s always associated with horror.
The first time I heard it, which was probably in college (Charley Finney on the mighty Holtkamp; 3,153 pipes), I didn’t think that.

  • We live in “Ontario County” southeast of Rochester in Western New York.
  • The “mighty Holtkamp” (“Holt-camp”) was a large baroque pipe-organ (3,153 pipes) designed by organist Charley Finney, head of the music department while I was a student at Houghton College in western New York, from where I graduated with a BA in 1966. I’ve never regretted it, although I didn’t graduate with their approval. Houghton is a religious liberal-arts college. The mighty Holtkamp (made by Holtkamp Pipe-Organs), was the greatest thing that college had. That thing tanks, and that college is not getting another red cent.

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