Thursday, September 18, 2008

E-mail to MyWay

RE: “Congratulations! You’ve been upgraded to the new MyWay e-mail system.”
—1) Where’s the “empty-trash” tab?
Ya mean I gotta delete trash e-mails one item at a time?
That’s silly! — Five times as long; even more if I have a lotta items.
This is progress? I DON’T THINK SO.
—2) Where’s the “empty junk-mail” tab?
Ya mean I gotta delete bulk e-mails one item at a time?
That’s five times as long; even more if I have a lotta items.
Suppose I wanna empty those folders in one fell swoop? I tried “select-all,” and every possible MyWay link. “Select-all” activated everything but the contents of that folder. —It seemed to be a browser “select-all.”
—3) Where are the old check-boxes at the left of each e-mail, so I can move a BUNCH of items in one fell swoop?
This is progress? I DON’T THINK SO.
And now my e-mails include unwanted ads, like for adult diapers.
I tried disabling pop-ups, but I still get them.
And every step takes WAY LONGER than the old system. I spend more time looking at the “loading” pinwheel.
—Thanks for my address-list.
Hopefully I can export it into Yahoo or GMail.
My old MyWay was great!
Auto-filling the “To” line is all the progress I see.


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