Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Two computer issues:


—1) A while ago I added the “Flock” browser at the suggestion of the famblee-site. They were no longer gonna support Netscape, so suggested FireFox (“Fox-Fire”) or Flock.
So I installed Flock (a free download), and made the FlagOut log-in my homepage.
I already had FireFox, so made the FlagOut log-in a bookmark. The Curve web-cam was my homepage on FireFox.
The other night (Monday, September 15, 2008) I fired up my “Ike” post, and got the missing-picture icon instead of the swing picture.
Linda was getting the picture on her PC with Internet-Explorer; plus any responses were cranking immediately. Mine weren’t posting at all.
So I fired up FlagOut in FireFox.
VIOLA! There’s the picture, and responses crank immediately.
“So do you have Internet?” Linda asked. “How can I have Internet and you not?”
“I got Internet galore,” I said. But it was all FireFox.
My only Flock-Internet was FlagOut.
Somebody did something to Flock.
This ain’t the first non-post.
If FireFox works, and Flock doesn’t, Flock is suspect. (This was posted with FireFox.)

—2) My e-mail is MyWay, like Yahoo an Internet e-mail. (I think GMail is too.)
I kept getting notifications MyWay would upgrade; a new e-mail.
Well okay; that’ll happen in the background.
Pay it no heed.
—Alarm-bells shoulda gone off!
All-of-a-sudden, no MyWay.
Into the ozone.
Can’t even connect.
I backtracked to my old RoadRunner e-mail, but MyWay had my up-to-date address-list; which was in never-never land.
A few days later “Congratulations! You’ve been upgraded to the new MyWay e-mail.”
“Yeah, but no address-list,” I responded.
Well now, at long last, I have my address-list back, including the groups: the Ne’er-do-Wells, Transit, and “No Jack.”
I’ve yet to figure out how to e-mail with it.
It ain’t as decipherable as my old MyWay, which I got working by looking at it.
No manual, of course.
But I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

  • The “famblee-site” is our family’s web-site, named “FlagOut” because I had a mentally-retarded kid-brother (Down Syndrome) who lived at home, and loudly insisted the flag be flown every day. “Flag-Out! Sun comes up, the flag goes up! Sun goes down, the flag comes down.” I fly the flag partly in his honor. (He died at 14 in 1968.) “FlagOut” is at; which I have named the “famblee”-site.
  • “Fox-Fire” is my siblings’ mispronunciation of the Internet-browser “FireFox;” which they all declare is useless — and the fact I prefer it, is reprehensible. (I should be using Internet-Explorer, like them.)
  • The “Curve” is Horseshoe Curve, west of Altoona, Pennsylvania, by far the BEST railfan spot I have ever been to. Horseshoe Curve is a national historic site. It was a trick used by the Pennsylvania Railroad to get over the Allegheny mountains without steep grades. Horseshoe Curve was opened in 1854, and is still in use. (I am a railfan, and have been since I was a child.) The Pennsylvania Railroad no longer exists; so now the Curve is operated by Norgolk Southern Railroad. —Horseshoe Curve has an Internet streaming web-cam, but it’s awful.
  • “Linda” is my wife of 40+ years.
  • I still have my RoadRunner e-mail. It connects direct to the PoP-server; i.e. it ain’t Internet.
  • RE: “Groups: the Ne’er-do-Wells, Transit, and ‘No Jack’...........” —The “Ne’er-do-Wells” are an e-mail list of everyone I e-mail my stuff to. —For 16&1/2 years (1977-1993) I drove transit bus for Regional Transit Service, the transit-bus operator in Rochester, N.Y. My stroke October 26, 1993 ended that. My “Transit” group is people I worked with. —My “No Jack” group is all my siblings except my all-knowing, blowhard brother-from-Boston (“Jack”), the macho ad-hominem king, who noisily badmouths everything I do or say. —E-mail groups send to more than one.



    Blogger Jen Anderberg said...

    Hi there,

    My apologies for intruding on your Blog, but I'd love to help out! I work for Flock, and any assistance I can offer, please let me know.

    I can answer these questions/concerns via email if you would like to contact me. It's jen at flock dot com.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Jen Anderberg
    Community Support Lead
    @ Flock

    2:59 PM  

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