Saturday, September 27, 2008



A dark-horse has won the Democratic primary in the Congressional district west of the Genesee river (the seat formerly held by REPUBLICAN Tom Reynolds, who retired).
Not our district; we are east of the Genesee river.
One Alice Kryzan; and she did it with only one TV ad.
But the ad was perfect, depicting what political discourse has become in the age of apoplectic Rush Limbaugh and shrill Ann Coulter.
The ad depicted major candidate Jack Davis sitting in a park bench calmly reading the newspaper.
His major challenger appears: “Hey Jack; that’s my chair!”
“It is not!” Jack bellows. “I bought it fair-and-square with special-interest money.”
Soon the two are in each other’s faces, yelling and screaming.
“Liberial!” “Tub-thumper!” “Why I oughta.......”
It’s a reprise of a Three Stooges movie; what politics has become in our current age — the wwwwwww of politics.
“Boys,” Kryzan steps in. “This is no way to get anything done.”
So Kryzan won the primary; skonked the presumed Democratic candidate. So now the REPUBLICANS, in their infinite wisdom, are slinging the same kind of mud at her she made fun of.
“Kryzan will do a number on our economy,” they scream.
“That’s all we need,” they yell; “more failed liberial policies.”
Dubya and his lackeys have done such “a number on our economy” they now want a bailout.
No fat-cat left behind.
It’s (horror-of-horrors) socialism; gumint tinkering with the economy so fat-cats don’t fail.
Dubya’s chickens coming home to roost. —Even the REPUBLICANS are running away from Dubya.
Welfare for the fat-cats; and we taxpayers pay for it.
Welfare is unacceptable for the poor and disabled, yet right for the rich.
We just don’t call it “welfare.”
Funny, that peckerwood didn’t do a number on the economy.
In our district mud is flying.
Dubya’s Kuhl versus Flaming-Liberial Massa.
Too bad we don’t have a Kryzan.

  • The south-to-north Genesee river is more-or-less the geographical dividing-line in the metro Rochester area.
  • “Liberial” is how my loudmouthed macho brother-from-Boston noisily insists “liberal” is spelled. (Recently it’s “liberila.”)
  • “Dubya” is George W. Bush, our current president.
  • “That peckerwood” is Bill Clinton. My siblings all hate him because he was a “liberial,” who couldn’t keep his pecker in his pants.
  • “Kuhl” is REPUBLICAN Randy Kuhl, our current Congressman; and “Massa” is Eric Massa, his strident Democratic challenger. (Massa lost to Kuhl by a tiny margin two years ago.)

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