Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The other night (Sunday, September 16, 2007), when I installed Netscape 9.03, which is really only a browser, Navigator, I noticed it was giving a temperature-value in the lower right-hand corner.
Groovy. Fifty-some degrees; that sounds about right.
Three other live icons are there; one for today’s values, one for tomorrow’s forecast, and one for two days out.
I tried clicking on the first icon, and discovered the fifty-some degrees was at Mountain-View, California.
For crying out loud, why in the wide, wide world would I ever want that?
So the next day (yesterday, Monday, September 17, 2007) I tried an icon even farther to the right, and I could pinpoint a specific location in the weather-bug network.
“Please enter town-name or zipcode.”
So I enter 14585, the West Bloomfield zipcode.
Suddenly I got the weather-values at nearby Victor Intermediate School, and I was presented with a list of alternatives; some quite far away.
Victor Intermediate School has a weather-bug weather-station, and is one of about 20 throughout the Rochester area.
It also has a live web-cam covering its parking-lot (ho-hum).
“Well, I ain’t sure Victor Intermediate School’s weather is like out here,” so I switched to Pittsford-Sutherland High-School.
It too has a web-cam, aimed at Rochester. Animate it and watch dawn rise over the Pittsford-Sutherland stadium. (Zippity-dooo!)
Web-cams are going up willy-nilly; although the one at the mighty Curve currently doesn’t work. “Nothing is private any more,” Linda says.
So I thought I was now getting a local feed, but the temperature was still Mountain-View, California.
I fired up the change-window again, and switched it to Pittsford-Sutherland High-School; although I’ll probably change it back to Victor Intermediate School, since I think that may be more like here than Pittsford-Sutherland High-School.
The current temperature at Victor Intermediate School is 67.9 degrees, and the wind is out of the east at 5 mph. The parking-lot is about two-thirds full.
In Altoony it’s 57.4 degrees, wind out of the south at 4 mph.

  • West Bloomfield (where we live) is nowhere near Mountain-View, California.
  • “Altoony” (Altoona, Pa.) is the location of Horseshoe Curve (the “mighty Curve”), by far the BEST railfan spot I have ever been to. Horseshoe Curve is a national historic site. It was a trick used by the Pennsylvania Railroad to get over the Allegheny mountains without steep grades. Horseshoe Curve was opened in 1854, and is still in use.
  • “Linda” is my wife.

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