Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cancer lady

The Keed.
The consensus is my wife can survive her cancer, which is non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
I guess I am proceeding per this conclusion, since my input has essentially been nil.
If the consensus were grimmer, I probably would try to be more an advocate, in my spastic, stroke-addled way.
Linda has been making all the phonecalls — I have done nothing but drive her to doctor-appointments, and do as much as I can of what she would have done (e.g. the lawn).
She got an appointment at Wilmot Cancer Center at Strong Hospital in Rochester for the 20th, which is better than Podunk Cancer Center the 28th.
But now the doctor who initiated the appointment for the 28th is trying to do earlier.
But I (we) tilt toward Wilmot. Her oncologist there specializes in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
It can be treated into remission, but never cured. It might flare up again, and have to get treated back again.
The consensus is Linda will have this the rest of her life.
I just wish I could be a better advocate. The stroke has made me barely able to talk, and afraid to get involved.
I had a hard enough time fiddling the cellphone upgrade.
And that shed is Linda’s doing; not me.

  • “Linda” is my wife.
  • I had a stroke October 26, 1993.

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