Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Yesterday (Monday, September 24, 2007) I went to the vaunted Canandaigua YMCA.
Sorry Chillens; no REPUBLICAN Intimidators yelling at me to get outta the way, or flashing their headlights and giving me the finger. No Dubya-Supporters cutting me off or running stop-signs.
I humblee submit the reason the almighty Bluster-King would get put on-the-trailer at Boughton Park (and he knows he will — tremble and shake) ain’t the Canandaigua YMCA.
The Canandaigua YMCA was just a continuation of what I began at the Physical-Therapy gym.
What really is getting me in shape is running: faster and faster and better and better.
I’ve backed off the YMCA to only once a week, and I could probably dump the aerobic machines and do only the strength-training; and thereby save almost two hours per visit.
Running is at least 2-3 times a week, dependent on what medical appointments Linda has. The medical appointments also determine how many days a week I take the dog to the park; although I try to do 2-3 days per week.
The YMCA will get ramped up again after snow flies.
I wasn’t sure I could run at age 63, but apparently I can.
Pretty soon the bluster-boy may have to have 350-Chevy powered machines extract and insert his beloved Cheetos. Perhaps a motorized-jaw powered by a 350-Chevy.
Loud pipes save lives!

  • “Dubya-supporter” is a Bush-Cheney supporter. All insane traffic-moves seem to involve Bush-supporters. They seem to think they have the right. “Republicans” seem to be the same way.
  • “Intimidators” are tailgaters, named after Dale Earnhardt, the so-called “intimidator” of NASCAR fame, who used to tailgate race-leaders and bump them at speed until they let him by.
  • “The almighty Bluster-King” is my macho, loudmouthed brother-from-Boston, who loudly insists (at 287 pounds) that he is in better shape than me (188). He gloms Cheetos as part of the Pig-Out exercise-regimen.
  • “Linda” is my wife. She has non-Hodgkins lymphoma (cancer).
  • A “350-Chevy” is a car-engine, the infamous Small-Block V8 that was introduced by Chevrolet at 265 cubic-inches back in 1955. It revolutionized hot-rodding because it was light, revved high, and was easily modified with great results. It replaced the Ford Flat-head V8 as the choice of hot-rodders. The Small-Block went through various displacement upgrades over-the-years, the final one being 350 cubic-inches. It’s still the choice of hot-rodders.

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