Sunday, December 17, 2006

Square meal

On weekends we eat what could characterized as “unsquare” meals.
On weekdays we follow a specific menu — have for years: fish/corn/broccoli on Monday; pasta*/carrots/lima beans on Tuesday; turkey or chicken (we alternate)/potatoes or rice/spinach on Wednesday; and salmon/squash or rice/peas on Thursday.
Friday alternates between homemade pea-soup (with carrots and hot-dog slices); and stewed tomatoes/grilled-cheese sandwiches or garden lettuce in season.
(Squash has to be in season [i.e. from the garden]; and we don’t eat rice two days in a row.)
We have followed this menu for eons, essentially since starting running 30 years ago.
*The pasta has become unbearable, and dumped for tilapia. When the haddock runs out, the tilapia will replace it, and boiled turkey (or chicken) breast in tomato-sauce will replace the Tuesday-tilapia; with boiled chicken (or turkey) breast in tomato-sauce the other time.
The salmon may be switched to Wednesday, and the second poultry entree may get switched to one of Linda’s soy chicken-burgers.
On weekends following the pea-soup, we eat homemade pizza on Saturday, and tuna-fish casserole on Sunday — tuna-salad during summer.
Following the Friday stewed-tomatoes, we eat hot-dogs/baked-beans/coleslaw on Saturday, and subs or tacos or chili or spaghetti on Sunday.
I can’t stand pork or beef (we tried); they are too much. I have ground 98% beef in the chili and the spaghetti, but only a minimal amount. —It’s also in the tacos (Taco Bell; BONG!). The subs are roast-beef (oil — are you kidding?).
Dessert is fresh fruit in season, although we eat Ben & Fat Jerry’s chocolate ice-cream one day a week; like after pizza or on Sunday after subs/tacos/chili/spaghetti.
Grapefruit got dumped because it reacts with Lipitor, and a nutritionist suggested red grapes instead of green.
We no longer foot-race, but have stuck to the menu in an attempt to institute a small semblance of order into the madness that came out of the stroke.
The meal-schedule was thrown off last week. Linda couldn’t eat anything (the salmon) the Thursday before the colonoscopy.
So I ate the stewed-tomatos/grilled-cheese-sandwich myself that night, and figured we’d eat the salmon Friday.
Except there was the Messenger Christmas-party Friday-night.
Every Messenger Christmas-party we’ve been to in the past had only nibble-food. But this time we had a sandwich — the equivalent of a meal (a momentous reversal of tradition).
That meant the salmon had to sit another day, but the idea of eating it Saturday crashed into I’m used to eating an unsquare meal.
So the salmon is sitting another day; hopefully not spoiling (it’s in the refrigerator).
It has to be eaten tonight.


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