Thursday, December 14, 2006


  • Yesterday (Wednesday, December 13) was my semiannual visit to my dental-hygienist to have my teeth cleaned.
    At least she is civil about it. The previous hygienist attacked your mouth.
    “We need to take X-rays,” the hygienist said. “Haven’t done it for two years.”
    I was covered with a lead apron, after which “Here; bite down on this.” ZZZZZZT!
    Five different X-rays.
    “So tell me,” I said, in honor of Bill. “When are you guys gonna go digital?”
    “Not for a while,” she said.
    “I worked in an office that had digital X-ray.”
    We talked about how it works. The camera is digital and displays the images on a computer-screen. No chemicals — no developing.
    “It’s nice, but a huge investment,” the hygienist said. “It isn’t just the X-ray machine; it’s also all the display paraphernalia.”
    She looked at the X-rays later.
    “I don’t see anything,” she said. “But the doctor will look at them, and if he sees anything, we’ll call you.”
    “No, what you should probably do is e-mail me,” I said. “I check my e-mail every day. You call us up and you’ll probably get a machine. We’re never home.”
    “Great idea,” she said; “but for that we need a computer.”
  • It looks like the technically-challenged receptionist at the PT-gym has been replaced.
    She was an awfully nice lady, but technically challenged. She was totally lost — and has been replaced an unchallenged but less friendly receptionist.
    The technically-challenged receptionist apparently did a number of inadvertent faux pas; once enough to make a second employee quit.
    Apparently a gigantic address-list data-base was lost too, but that wasn’t the technically-challenged receptionist.
    That was a lost CD. That data-base had to be completely reconstructed — by the Physical-Therapist, whose name is ironically Kristin.
    (“Kristin; he’s done it again. Please step away from the ‘pyooter, Mr. Hughes.”)
    What a tragic loss.
    The technically-challenged receptionist was an awfully nice lady. I sang happy birthday to her on her birthday — she was floored.
    But she was utterly buffaloed by technology; e.g. filing stuff in a computer, or computerized office-procedures.

    —And I’m told it’s “floss-irrigate-brush.” —FIB.

    1) My brother in Boston asserts he is more ‘pyooter-literate than me; so I suggested he inadvertently deleted an entire data-base — and the fixing thereof had to be done by the office-secretary: Kristin.)
    2) My sister in Floridy makes a big deal out of “floss-brush-irrigate:” FBI.


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