Sunday, December 03, 2006

processing follies

Two days ago (Friday, December 1) my morning coffee didn’t get consumed until 5 p.m., by which time it’s room-temperature.
Which is okay, since I can’t really drink it boiling hot. But by 5 p.m. it was nearly dark outside.
This isn’t the first time this has happened. Working-out has turned into a three-hour gig: 36 minutes on the treadmill, 21 minutes each on the arm-bike and the recumbent, and about 15-20 minutes each on seven other machines.
An eighth regime is 10+ minutes.
Unlike Bill I can’t spring out of bed and onto I-95 in 20 seconds. I also eat breakfast here at home, a horrible waste of time. I also don’t sleep in my work-clothes, which means getting dressed (including long-underwear).
I eat breakfast before the gym, but can only drink one sip of coffee, if at all. Together with all the processing (flag-out, etc.), which I guess Bill sloughs off on Vast, bed to garage-door is about an hour.
Getting to the gym takes a half-hour, so if I got up at 9:30 (Linda was working at the post-office; but I unloaded the dishwasher at 6 a.m. and went back to bed), I arrived at the gym at 11.
I was leaving by 2, but so began a long raft of errands, which get hooked up with dog-walks and workouts.
Friday I had to go to the funky food market, a 35-40 minute jaunt from Canandaigua on the Thruway.
I also had to shop at a nearby Weggers (the funky food-store was my excuse); 10-15 minutes. I can’t conceive of buying groceries in only five minutes. The only way to do that is not check out.
The funky food-market was 15-20 minutes. To order cereal I have to wait until the clerk gets off the phone (4-6 minutes), and I’m buying oats in bulk, which means shoveling them into the bag; five minutes.
Perhaps I could order the cereal online, in which case I might save three minutes. I’d still have to burn 40 minutes to pick it up at the store.
Or perhaps I could order it online directly and have FedEx bring it to my door. Figure $7.50-$10 shipping-and-handling. (A case of cereal is about twelve bucks!)
And I still have to shop that Weggers, since it’s the only Weggers that still sells the cheese we use on pizza — the Canandaigua Weggers no longer does.
So I didn’t get home until after 4:30, and then the coffee has to wait until the dogs receive their milkbones, which they feel entitled to because I showed up.
Then turn on the Christmas-lights and take the flag down and it’s 5 p.m. Lunch and the after-gym orange got shoved — as did walking the dogs, since by then it was dark.


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