Sunday, April 04, 2021

The eyes are the window to the soul

—“I normally don't say anything to anyone in this store,” I said to a lady in my supermarket. She was a complete stranger.
“I normally keep to myself,” I continued. “But your eyes are gorgeous.”
You are so sweet!”
she cooed as she caressed my arm.
She didn’t smack me, or spray me with mace.
Another time a lady butted in front of me at the frozen vegetables cooler.
“I just need these peas,” she said, excusing yourself.
Her eyes were also gorgeous, but she walked away before I could say anything.
I then went up to self check-out, but had forgotten my wallet. I put my order on hold and went outside into the parking-lot to get my wallet.
There she was again, getting into her car next to mine.
“I almost said something to you in the store,” I told her; “but you got away.
It’s your eyes. They’re gorgeous!” And they were; they sparkled.
“Why thank you!” she gushed.
I bet she went home and told her husband.
I could give more examples. I remember two other ladies: “You have the eyes,” I told them. “You were blessed.”
Again, not smacked, not maced.
And then there’s ****** at self check-out, who hides her sparkling eyes behind glasses.
I dare not tell her. We became friends, and I don’t wanna ruin that.
I probably became more spare with my compliments. Eyes are all we see anymore. That supermarket is awash in pretty female eyes, but I don’t say anything.
Although I’m more likely than years ago. My wife having died gives me freedom.
I also decided eye-contact makes eyes gorgeous. When my lifeguard friend at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming-pool looks DIRECTLY at me, I think how did I ever become friends with her?
Pretty *****, head-honcho of my pharmacy, has blue eyes, but they’re steely. Even direct eye-contact with her isn’t stunning.
But smiling eyes are gorgeous; and some eyes sparkle.
What matters to me are eyes, and apparently ladies like that.
“You were blessed” works, while “I’d like to get cozy with you” would get me smacked.
“No pretty lady will appreciate a compliment from you, Bobby. You are disgusting!”
I’m more willing to take risks after so many succeeded.
Go ahead! Tell her! Don’t be scared. She’ll probably appreciate the compliment.
“If some guy told me I had pretty eyes,” a critic told me; “I’d take out my mace sprayer.”
Versus: You are so sweet!”

• “All I need is one of your smiles, Sunshine of your eyes, oh, me, oh, my…..” —Scotch and Soda, The Kingston Trio, 1958.



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