Thursday, July 09, 2020

Priorities man!

—As a result of COVID-19, some of the priorities my wife and I observed were compromised.
My wife died over eight years ago, but I still do the recycling my wife and I did.
Cans, glass, cardboard, plastic. I keep paper bags for each, plus newsprint and magazines. Although I have little newsprint since I gave up the newspaper years ago.
And I have a hunch my recyclables aren’t being recycled. The market for recyclables has gone away, so who knows what happens beyond my blue-box.
My biggest change was paper, especially toilet-paper. My wife and I used toilet-paper made from recycled paper, and I continued doing that after my wife died.
With COVID-19, toilet-paper became scarce. I had to take what I could get. Suddenly toilet-paper made from recycled paper became unavailable. Yet another tree fell in the forest.
Same thing with facial-tissues, although that goes back well before COVID-19. Facial-tissues made from recycled paper became unavailable, so we were forced to switch.
I also had to give up paper-towels made from recycled paper. And not that “quicker-picker-upper” lady. ZAP! = no more paper-towels made from recycled paper.
And during COVID-19, paper-towels became scarce.
I no longer recycle my garbage. (More rot for the landfill!)
My mulch-tender is gone. Our mulch-pile atrophied, and is now overgrown with weeds.
I never had time for that, and the one who did is gone.
Our garden is fallow, returned to the grass it was before. We grew tomatoes, peppers, green beans, beets, etc.
We grew a zucchini so big we called it the “Graf Zeppelin.” I took it to the Mighty Mezz, where the editorial-staff used it as a club against recalcitrant reporters.
Tending that stuff takes time, which I no longer have.

• The “Mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired almost 15 years ago. BEST job I ever had. I was employed there almost 10 years — over 11 if you count my time as a post-stroke unpaid intern. (I had a heart-defect caused stroke October 26th, 1993, from which I recovered fairly well. That defect was repaired.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that it was called the Mighty Zucchini of Inspiration. We used it when we couldn’t think of a way to start. It sat on my desk for a bit. There was also the Great White Deer of the Apocalypse, which occupied an office. I could feel it staring at me.

7:41 AM  
Blogger BobbaLew said...

I remember the Great-White-Deer.

5:41 PM  

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