Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Ya don’t tell a Hughes
they can’t do something

(Screenshot by BobbaLew.)

—“Got it!” I exclaimed. “It’s on there.” (Above.)
On July 4th, Yr Fthfl Srvnt posted the first stanza of “America-the-Beautiful” on his Facebook, plus the FB of my anti-Trump group.
I put the first paragraphs of the Declaration-of-Independence on this blog years ago.
But I felt “America-the-Beautiful” was more pertinent to our troubled times.
“America-the-Beautiful” began as a poem by Katherine Lee Bates atop Pikes Peak in 1893.
I been there myself; 1987 with my wife now gone. “Purple-mountain majesties” to the west, “amber waves of grain” to the east, 14,115 feet above sea level.
I sang the song at the top of my lungs in the mountain-top parking lot. 8.5 MPG, up and down in “lo” range. 460 cubic inches, the biggest car-V8 Ford offered at that time.
Drive that road and you don’t make mistakes. No guard rails, and it was dirt back then. Thousand-foot drop-offs awaited.
Someone I don’t know commented; he/she (?) on the anti-Trump FB group to which we both belong.
So I added a response that “America-the-Beautiful” should be our national anthem.
Plus the fact my flag is only three-by-five feet doesn’t make me less patriotic than those with flags the size of a football field.
So: add picture of my flag.
Easier said than done.
My new laptop doesn’t see my image-files yet, and calling Apple is “please hold.”
But my old laptop could add a picture.
Okay; done it before. Any picture atop a blog was processed/added with my old laptop.
So “edit,” but with my new laptop, or else my iPhone.
But laptop edits have to be off Facebook, for which reason I copy/paste from a word-processor.
Hit that laptop “return” key by mistake to begin a new paragraph, and off your post goes, errors and all. (Garbage for all to see.)
My word processor, Apple’s “Pages,” which allows paragraph returns, also allows dictation, which circumvents the frustration of sloppy keyboarding — a stroke-effect.
My iPhone does “voice-recognition” too.
Text-edit complete, adding my flag-pic was next.
But remember my new laptop doesn’t see my pictures yet, so fire up old laptop.
I can fiddle Facebook with either.
Next is find that flag image-file, which I also use as my Facebook profile-pic.
The original is no longer in my machines; it’s probably packed away on a CD. But there is that Facebook profile-pic, the flag picture I want. It could be downloaded.
Engage guile-and-cunning.
Downloading is right-click with Windoze®, control-click with Mac OS-X.
Got it: I saved that download to my desktop, renaming it “Old-Glory” from FB’s file-name of 89 bazilyun numbers.
Okay, down-and-dirty-time.
That Facebook profile-picture is small, and probably only 72 ppi. But it looked okay to me.
Next was “editing” my flag-pic to my textual post.
Facebook is a world apart; I can fiddle my Facebook with both computers, and also my iPhone. It doesn’t know which, just that I’m fiddling it.
“Add-picture” from my old laptop, where my flag pic was downloaded.
I hit the return button, and there it is! (Above.)
Toy not with a master!” I shouted.
No Apple instruction, everything learned by “try-it-and-see-what-happens.” And 26 years ago I had a stroke that partially destroyed my brain.
My speech is messy, my balance is gone, and my keyboarding’s erratic.
But apparently enough marbles remain to figger this stuff out on my own.
Plus, nobody tells a Hughes they can’t do something.

• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. I pretty much recovered. Just tiny detriments; I can pass for never having had a stroke. It slightly compromised my speech. (Difficulty finding and putting words together.)
• “Windoze®” = Windows. (Mac users claim Windows-for-PC is inferior.)
• “Ppi” is pixels-per-inch. Computer screen-resolution is 72 ppi. Printer-resolution is 300 ppi. Enlarge a 72 ppi image-file, and it pixelates = jaggies. I would not be enlarging my downloaded flag-pic.



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