Sunday, July 05, 2020

The dreaded FB algorithm

—Yrs Trly has only 53 Facebook “friends.” (And I probably could “defriend” a few.)
Not the 89 bazilyun of some of my FB “friends;” nor even hundreds.
I don’t consider my number of “friends” indicates my viability.
The fact I even have a Facebook at all is due to a fast-one by SuckerBird and his cronies. They were playing the marginal computer-savvy of someone in his 60s.
Now I’m 76, and Facebook seems no longer what it was 11-12 years ago.
What happened to one's “wall,” for example? And Facebook likes to change its computer-interface unannounced = “Now what?”
Despite intrusion of FB’s secret algorithm to limit communication with my various “friends,” I have a few with whom I communicate quite a bit.
—The one with whom I communicate most is my aquacise-instructor. Which also is strange, considering she also resulted from another Facebook fast-one.
Facebook surreptitiously trolled my iPhone contacts immediately after I got “Facebook for iPhone.” (Thank you Mark!)
I had her phone number in there from her business card, so Facebook suggested her as a “friend.”
“What?” I exclaimed. “She’s not mutual with anyone!”
Ignorantly I sent her a “friend” request, and for whatever reason she responded positively.
Now Facebook notifies me of anything she posted, “liked,” whatever. We’re worlds apart, but communicate quite a bit.
I have other FB “friends” with whom I communicate.
—One is the first girl I dated. We attended the same high-school, and now she’s married, retired, and lives in Washington-state.
I get notifications regarding her too.
—Another is a cousin in NC. She also is married and retired, but she’s fun to talk to, since we have similar politics.
—Another is a girl who attended the same college as me. She lives in Philadelphia, and also is married and retired.
Those last two searched me out, as did that girl in Washington-state. Same schools, relatives, whatever.
We talk and talk and talk some more, often via Facebook “Messenger.”
I don't think I get notifications for everything they post, plus I think my aquacise-instructor limits some of her posts. But I do get quite a bit = it seems they “follow” me somewhat.
That is, whatever I post shows up in their “feeds;” I don’t “limit,” since I don’t post much anyway.
And quite often I “share” or copy/paste whatever they posted so it will be on my page.
(This doesn’t seem to be Facebook as it existed 11-12 years ago. Now it's my Facebook, and the only one who posts to it is ME. Anyone else I delete.)
“Shares” and copy/pastes are especially true of my aquacise-instructor, who like me seems a “bleeding-heart liberal,” although I’m sure she wouldn’t like me calling her that.
“Bleeding-heart liberal” is my tub-thumping CONSERVATIVE sister, deceased almost nine years ago.
That aquacise-instructor is apolitical. I’m somewhat that myself: “Hey Ron, let’s not talk politics; I wanna remain friends.”
Yet my other three female friends have a walloping good time bewailing “The Donald.”
—I also have one more female “friend” about 40, who lives near LA and is married.
But she has her Facebook set up so I can’t post to it. But I do get notifications of when she’s posted to that new FB “story” thingy.
We worked together at the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper; and she’s pretty much the reason why I blog stuff.
Like me, she also is rather wacko. She also badmouths The Donald.
(It seems The Donald is anti anyone with a college education. “Where would I be if not for the uneducated?”)
—I also have numerous male FB friends, and the dreaded algorithm notifies me when they posted anything.
But only a couple. 10-15 “friends” is enough.



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