Thursday, March 21, 2019

Another Facebook hairball

“Why can’t they leave things alone?” I asked.
I happened to fire up the Facebook of a “friend” in search of a specific photograph.
Things were different. Suddenly my “friend’s” photographs were in “albums.” Maybe they existed before, but they weren’t displayed as such.
Another unannounced Facebook change.
My Facebook is around 10 years old. I don’t do much with it. I know a guy who poo-poos Facebook, but my “friend” celebrates it can be used to keep track of family.
So did our family’s website long ago. That service tanked, partly because of Facebook, I guess. Now we get similar functioning in exchange for targeted marketing and snooping.
And buxom hotties since I happen to be in my seventies. Plus various Facebook fast-ones, like secretly trolling my iPhone contacts to suggest “friends,” etc.
Plus every time I fire up Facebook I get a new interface. Unannounced and unexplained of course. How do I drive that? I hafta engage additional minutes just to operate it. At least 15-20 extra minutes.
Every time I open it: “NOW WHAT?!”
I found the picture after the usual dorking around. Facebook is always frustrating.
Ten years ago there was yer “wall.” Now I guess it’s yer “home-page,” which I never look at. The dreaded “algorithm,” secret of course, is also at play. It limits content on yer home-page. Deluged by every dancing-cat video yer “friends” posted, yer home-page would blow yer computer.
I could dump my Facebook, but so many of my actual friends have Facebooks. It also seems to be the new e-mail. E-mail can’t crunch videos, yet Facebook can. It’s interesting the typical FB word-post is tiny, yet videos are megabyte city.
Two guys with whom I attended college refuse to have Facebooks. My brother in Boston also refuses. My deceased wife had one, but under an alias. She’s gone, but her Facebook continues.
Years ago a nephew and his wife had a baby. The birth was announced on Facebook. That son was age-3 when I found out.
I’m always mad at Facebook. The fact I have one at all was them playing on my ignorance — a fast-one. It also could freeze this computer, although it hasn’t for some time.
They deluge me with targeted ads. Worst are the scantily-clad hussies.
Years ago I found that a high-school classmate had a Facebook. Looking for it I unearthed acres of cleavage. They clearly weren’t my classmate.
I did find her Facebook. She said all she used it for was to keep track of family. She probably gets invites to Facebook’s clarinet group, since she played clarinet in high-school band.

• Apparently if I click “albums” in a “friend’s” Facebook, their pictures will appear in “albums.” If not, they appear singly. LA-DEE-DAH! “Trumped again, y’old geezer!”
• My wife died of cancer April 17th, 2012.



Blogger Steven Circh said...

Will not join Facebook, until it's renamed "Sit On My Facebook."

6:21 PM  

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