Thursday, March 07, 2019

WordPorn, etc.

(Screenshot by BobbaLew.)

—Pictured above is a weeks-ago post to my aquacise instructor’s Facebook. It seemed aimed at me, since I received Facebook notification, and am somewhat antisocial; or at least was.
I OCR scanned it into a text-file that I printed and put on a kitchen cabinet to remind myself to be more sociable = say hello to her every day.
The fact we are Facebook “friends” is due to another “fast-one” by SuckerBird and his cronies. They secretly trolled my iPhone contacts shortly after I installed “Facebook-for-iPhone,” which was mere days after I put my aquacise instructor into my iPhone contacts.
Suddenly there she was, suggested as a Facebook “friend.” HUH? She’s not a “friend” of a “friend,” and I only had 49, not thousands.
Unwittingly I clicked it, and she responded favorably.
This wasn’t the first time Facebook pulled a “fast-one.” Two guys with whom I attended college refuse to have Facebooks. “Real friends are better.”
Years ago I got an e-mail “friend” request regarding an actual friend.
“You need a Facebook of your own to ‘friend’ anyone.”
Again unwittingly, I barged ahead, setting up my own Facebook.
“Welcome to Facebook,” an actual friend said. All so SuckerBird, et al, can bless me with right-side buxom hottie ads. At my age I’m surely a loathsome lothario.
My wife, deceased, was also leery of Facebook. Her Facebook still exists, but under an alias she made up.
I’d dump mine — I hardly look at it — but so many of my actual friends have Facebooks. Beyond that, Facebook became the new e-mail. Years ago a nephew had another child, and I never knew until that son was three years old. The birth was announced via Facebook, which I rarely look at.
I don’t regret “friending” my aquacise instructor. Hers is the one I fire up most every day. There are others, but most Facebooks have content of little interest. Dancing-cat videos, and “Congrats!”
Hers doesn’t, nor do some of my cousins. “There’s those guys singing that school-closing again” = CLICK! But often it’s stuff like “WordPorn,” and similar.

• I do aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool, two hours per week — plus a third hour on my own. My “aquacise instructor” is my class leader.
• “OCR-scanning” (optical-character-recognition) is to scan a text-document (like a letter). The OCR software then “reads” the document and converts it into a computer text-file.
• “SuckerBird” is Mark Zuckerberg, founder and head-honcho of Facebook.
• My wife died of cancer April 17th, 2012.



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