Monday, August 13, 2012

E-mail to Stevie

RE: Facebook:
You’ll note I’m responding e-mail (a hyphen, for cryin’ out loud), not Facebook.
Facebook has a character-limit, word-limit, whatever! It discriminates against us word-geeks.
Yet it can crunch gigantic picture files, or even more mega-gigundo video files.
A text file, by comparison, is nothing. Yet Facebook has a character-limit. Too many words and it dumps you.
Facebook is a visual medium. Words, and the concepts generated thereby, are anathema.
What I can’t stand is Facebook shoving me into a pigeon-hole. Because I’m 68, I want sexual fulfillment and mortgage refinance. What if I don’t? That makes me reprehensible and disgusting? Or a loser? All because I don’t wanna line the pockets of Suckerberg?
Nice! Facebook promotes social contact. So did my family’s web-site (another hyphen, for cryin’ out loud), which was much more private, and didn’t have hotties or pecker-ads.
Facebook can be made as private as my family’s web-site, but few do it. Post something on Facebook, and it’s out there for all your so-called “friends” to see — as I understand it, and that’s debatable.
Plus Facebook froze my computer. It hasn’t lately, but I’ve heard reports of similar problems.
My sister, who died in December, abhorred Facebook. She had one, but rarely fired it up. It would throw her computer into a tizzy.
Facebook I put up with. I hardly ever fire it up. I only keep mine because -a) actual friends use it, and -b) I don’t know how to dump it.
What I also can’t stand about Facebook is how every time I fire it up, something is different about it.
For example, it used to have a search of people on Facebook; GONE!
I always have to figure out how to drive it.
Sigh. I guess I’m too old. The generation tied to books — in my case magazines.
In other words: WORDS.
My niece in south Florida, in her 40s, thinks Facebook is “cool.”

• “Stevie” is Steve Circh (“Kurch”), an ex-employee of the Canandaigua Messenger newspaper, where he was a page-editor. Steve and I worked together, and are friends.
• The Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper is from where I retired almost seven years ago. Best job I ever had — I worked there almost 10 years. (“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city nearby where I live in western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 14 miles away. I live in the rural town of West Bloomfield.)
• “Suckerberg” is Mark Zuckerberg, head-honcho of Facebook.



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