Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The window-treatment my wife will never see

A window is a hole in the wall. (Photo by BobbaLew.)

“I had no idea,” said the guy from our local Budget-Blinds.
“In all my years of installing window-treatments, I never had anything like this happen.”
He was referring to the fact my wife died between our order and its arriving for installation.
“I tried to call, but her cellphone didn’t work,” he said.
“That’s because I disconnected it,” I said.
The living-room bay-window sheer illustrated above was ordered a couple weeks before my wife died.
We both ordered it together. The guy from Budget-Blinds came out and we assessed different applications.
The design has vertical slats that turn like vertical venetian-blinds.
But a sheer curtain is in front of it so the slats don’t look so mechanical.
So an improvement to my abode has been made. I suppose this is progress.
I seem to be beyond mere existence, what I felt like I was doing beforehand.
And no longer can my nosey neighbor across the street spy on me through my front window.
It now has curtains I can close.
And those curtains will have insulating-value come winter.
That window, without curtains, was a gigantic hole-in-the-wall.

• My wife died of cancer April 17, 2012. She was 68.


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