Monday, June 04, 2012

Blog it

Having an extremely difficult time processing a great tragedy, like the death of your beloved wife of 44 years?
So blog it!
Get your pen out, and start slingin’.
Easier said than done. The muse is quiet.
I have found the only way to avoid depression caused by this is to distract myself with fevered activity.
This involves four things:
—1) Long walks of the dog at the park.
—2) Mowing our huge lawn.
—3) Working out at the YMCA.
—4) Blogging and keying in blogs.
I also attended a wedding in northern Delaware a few weeks ago. I wouldn’t have otherwise. (I was out-of-it.)
Last Spring, when my wife was in the hospital, I stopped working out at the YMCA.
I didn’t get that depressed, but she didn’t die.
Laundry was done, but it didn’t get folded and put away.
It piled up.
I wasn’t having that happen again.
I do small loads, then toss the stuff on my bed.
The floors also get dirty, but now I have a cleaning-lady.
I also seem to have a surfeit of people concerned about my welfare.
How am I doing? Etc, etc.
“Well, I don’t know....... Okay, I guess.”
I muddle along in an extreme funk.
Scared being alone.
But when it rains I have dead time; time to get depressed.
I can’t mow or walk the dog.
And how can I blog anything when the muse is quiet?
Force myself. Take pen in hand and start blogging.
Yesterday was a sterling example.
It rained off-and-on all day, plus my mower was out being repaired.
Every time I set out to walk the dog, it poured.
So as a result my July calendar-report is almost finished, way ahead of time.
I had to keep adding to it to kill time.
Either that or start crying.


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