Saturday, January 01, 2011

“I thought the Second-Coming had occurred”

Our clock-radio normally comes on at 5:40 a.m.
We don’t get up until 6 a.m., when the classical-music station we listen to goes back to a local announcer.
They air an all-night radio feed out of Minneapolis, I think.
We had to reset the radio to 5 a.m. the other day to make an early medical appointment — and eat breakfast.
I forgot to set the clock-radio back, so it came on again at 5 a.m. yesterday, Friday December 31, 2010.
I forgot to set it back again, so it came on again at 5 a.m. this morning, Saturday, January 1, 2011.
Yesterday I realized I forgot to set it back, but today I forgot I forgot; so I thought it came on at 5:40. (I hadn’t glanced at the clock.)
What happens if the clock-radio function is on, is the radio stays on for an hour, then shuts off.
I have to override the clock-radio function lest it shut off the radio after an hour.
Since I thought the radio came on at 5:40 this morning, I wondered what happened when it shut back off at 6 a.m.
Deafening silence; perhaps the station was off-the-air.
That happens occasionally, and there’s no local talent at 6 a.m. on Saturdays to notice.
The station continues the all-night feed out of Minneapolis until 7 a.m. when it goes local.
It was 6:16 when I got up.
I turned on the bathroom light.
Our bed was empty; no dog, no wife.
Our dog usually climbs up on our bed during the night to sleep with us big dogs, her pack.
I headed toward our kitchen.
“I came out here,” my wife said from the sofa-bed in our living-room.
So had our dog.
“I couldn’t get comfortable in the bed,” she said. “The dog was pushing me out.”
“And here I thought maybe the Second Coming had occurred, taking both you and the dog,” I said.

• “The classical-music station we listen to” is WXXI-FM, 91.5, publicly supported.
• RE: “I thought the Second-Coming had occurred......” —I come from a family of tub-thumping Christian zealots, who firmly believe Jesus will return (the “Second Coming”) — and when that happens all the Chosen-Ones (the zealots) get snapped up from here on earth, leaving sinners (the un-Chosen) behind. (“In case of Rapture, this car will be unpiloted.”)


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