Wednesday, December 22, 2010


—1) Memo to the brunette cutie in the Canandaigua YMCA Exercise-Gym.
Sorry, I can’t resist.
I guess I’m still doing it at age-66.
Still ogling the eye-candy.
But I just can’t get by that tattoo above your butt.
Attractive as you are, that tattoo turns me off.
At least my wife doesn’t have that, nor 89 bazilyun body-piercings.
I could never spend time with a face full of steel.
It would make me sick!
About 30 years from now, when you’re old and haggard, you’ll still have that tattoo, and probably regret it.
You’re just proving what I’ve felt all my life.
What matters, when it comes to female companionship, is what’s between the ears.
—2) I see New Mexico governor Bill Richardson is bringing reality to the North Koreans.
Why is it Bill Richardson gets intransigents to negotiate?
Why the governor of New Mexico, for cryin’ out loud?
Maybe we should make Richardson a special envoy to Congress, especially the House of Representatives.
Bring John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi together and broker a deal.
Sweet reason; get us off the dime.
Maybe he could work with the Tea Partiers.
—3) Santa came to the West Bloomfield Legion-Hall last weekend.
Of all the places he coulda gone on this planet, he came to tiny West Bloomfield.
Reminds of my discussions with my parents about Santa when I was four.
“Mommy, there’s a Santa on every corner.”
“Those are ersatz Santas, son; not the real Santa.
The real Santa is at Gimbels Department store in Philadelphia.”
(We lived in south Jersey at that time.)
“He came on the hook-and-ladder in the Thanksgiving Parade, climbed the ladder, and went in through the eighth-floor window.”
Last weekend the entire West Bloomfield Volunteer Fire-Department trundled slowly south on Route 65, in front of our house.
All five trucks, about 20 mph, sirens shrieking at full wail.
“They’re going the wrong way,” my wife said.
“Usually they’re headed north.”
“They’re probably bringing Santa,” I said.
“They’re not going fast enough for a fire.”
(The Legion-Hall is right up the street.)
—4) The proposed West Bloomfield Town Hall, the “Taj-Mahall,” was voted down.
1.8 million dollars; slightly over 1,000 taxpayers.
It was a proposed bond.
Supposedly, good bond-rates can be floated now, but what about later?
We taxpayers would be paying for that bond for decades.
How much of a Town Hall does West Bloomfield really need?
Do we need all those offices for just a couple full-time employees?
I get the feeling the Town Supervisor wanted a palace he could put his name on.
His contention is West Bloomfield is growing.
Uh yeah, but it’s not nearby Victor.
Where developers are given tax-breaks to throw up industrial buildings, and then cut-and-run when that industry goes belly-up.
Yet keep the local Mercedes dealer in business.
And all those industries presume the continuation of gasoline transport via car.
West Bloomfield is growing much more slowly.
It might gain a house or three per year.
What we should be doing is consolidating with Bloomfield.
But that would be anathema.
Bring in Bill Richardson!

• I work out in the Canandaigua YMCA exercise-gym. (“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city to the east nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” It’s about 15 miles away. —We live in the small rural town of West Bloomfield in Western NY, southeast of Rochester. We live on State Route 65.)
• “Victor” is a rural town to the north of where we live. “Bloomfield” is a village in the Town of East Bloomfield, just east of our town, West Bloomfield. Bloomfield-village is about four miles east.


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