Sunday, May 02, 2010

Limberger and his lackeys

My younger brother and his wife in northern Delaware attended an outdoor jazz fest.
Pictures were posted on their Facebook pages.
How he could do such a thing is questionable to me, as he's also a devout Christian.
Years ago jazz was of-the-Devil. But now I guess it's okay.
Rock 'n' Roll was of-the-Devil when I was a kid, but now it's not. Witness Christian-rock.
Next will be Christian acid-rock, and Christian rapp.
Maybe they're already here. (Em-N-Em a Christian!)
My younger brother is the most devout of all my Christian siblings, most of whom use their faith to justify their Conservative beliefs.
And woe betide those who aren't.
As such, I'm proud of my younger brother.
But he's rather Conservative himself.
He was decrying the outdoor temperature at the jazz fest; 90 degrees.
Um, it's the first week in May, dear readers.
Our lilacs are blooming — that's three weeks early.
Temperatures have already hit 80 degrees. What's it gonna be like in July?
A few weeks ago Limberger and his lackeys were mocking environmentalists during a giant blizzard: “So much for Global Warming,” they blustered.
No matter those same environmentalists were blaming Global Warming for those blizzards.
I don't know how much credence “Global Warming” has, but I worry about it.
If July is an oven, I wick up the air-conditioning, and thereby contribute carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Obama advances off-shore oil drilling, an off-shore oil rig explodes, and fouls Gulf Coast wetlands.
Gulf-coasters decry the supposed lack of presidential action.
I wonder what the Tea-Partiers think of that?

• “Our” is me and my wife of 42+ years, “Linda.”
• “Limberger” is of course Rush Limbaugh. I call him that because I think he stinks.


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