Monday, June 29, 2009


Yaz all have received the Pickles cartoon.
Easy as pie e-mail, but a pain-in-the-butt Facebook.
Facebook is eight different posts to different Facebooks.
Anmari Linardi, Marcy, etc. are each their own Facebook page.
E-mail would be gobs easier, but they’re more likely to look at their Facebook pages than e-mail.
So, eight seperate posts to each Facebook — what would be one post to FlagOut, or one e-mail post to multiple addressees.
Taking eight times as long is progress — and if they respond, about five minutes each of dorking around to -a) bring up their Facebook; and -b) scroll through their Facebook to find their comment.

• “Yaz” is all my siblings, plus the Ne’er-do-Wells. (The “Ne’er-do-Wells,” including AnMari Linardi [Anne-Marie lynn-ARR-dee] and Marcy, are an e-mail list of everyone I e-mail my stuff to. —“Marcy” is my number-one Ne’er-do-Well — she was the first I was e-mailing stuff to. Marcy and I worked in adjacent cubicles at the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired. She now lives near Boston, married to another ex-Messenger employee. AnMari was once a photographer.)
• “FlagOut” is our family’s web-site, named that because I had a mentally-retarded kid-brother (Down Syndrome) who lived at home, and loudly insisted the flag be flown every day. “Flag-Out! Sun comes up, the flag goes up! Sun goes down, the flag comes down.” I fly the flag partly in his honor. (He died at 15 in 1969.) —I no longer participate in my family’s web-site; tired of all the put-downs.



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