Saturday, June 13, 2009

“I don’t believe it”

For some time I have been considering installing my My-Cast weather-radar (etc.) on my cellphone.
The idea behind this is to see what the weather-radar says is coming at the mighty Curve. —With my cellphone.
Hadn’t done it yet, because My-Cast says it wants $3.99 per month.
Didn’t seem that desirable, but now it is. $3.99 per month is peanuts.
Okay, fire up My-Cast on this here rig; print off instructions for installing My-Cast on a Nokia 6205 — my cellphone.
—1) “Select ‘Get-It-Now’ from main menu.” Done it in the past — VZ Navigator; my GPS navigation system on this cellphone.
—2) “Depending....... select ‘tools-on-the-go’ or ‘Get Going.’” —What? Not on here, dudes. Engage guile-and-cunning.
—3) Back to “Get it Now.”
—4) Okay, try “Extras.” WHOA! “Get new applications.” (Nothing in the instructions about “Extras.”) —“Nothing found.”
—5) Try “Tools-on-the-Go.” “Get new applications:” about 10-11 apps; one of which is “weather.”(Nothing in the instructions about this.)
—6) BAM! My-Cast is one of the weather-apps — downloading. (“$3.99 per month, added to your cellphone bill.”)
—7) “Do ya wanna run it?”
—8) Sure; let ‘er rip!
—9) “Select zip-code or city-name......” —14585; West Bloomfield.
—10) “Select radar, weather alerts, lightning locater, etc.”
—11) BAM again. Radar selected. “Press ‘okay’ to animate.” —“I don’t believe it,” I say. The West Bloomfield weather-radar is running on my cellphone.

Linda comes home from the Post-Office.
—1) Fire up cellphone.
—2) Over to “Get-it-Now.”
—3) “Tools-on-the-Go.”
—4) BAM! My-Cast for West Bloomfield.
—5) “Now, if I had the zip-code for the mighty Curve, I could add that.”
—6) Engage guile-and-cunning. —Try “menu.”
—7) Looka this: “Locations...... Add new location.”
—8) BAM again. “Zip-code or City/state.”
—9) Altoona, PA.
—10) There it is, everyone; weather-radar for the mighty Curve, on my cellphone.

Okay, imagination time: fire up my cellphone at the mighty Curve. Stay up or go back down to the parking-lot? —“Tools-on-the-Go;” “My-Cast;” “radar for Altoona, PA.” Uh-ohhh; a storm-cloud is coming toward the mighty Curve; back down the steps.

A major factor should be considered here, everyone. A stroke-survivor is doing this; on what remains of his brain (“seven cylinders”). —Installed without Linda.
And it was done after tossing instructions that were entirely useless.

Another factor is that it’s a cellphone app; not what I have on this here rig.
My-Cast on my ‘pyooter allows locations selected by global coordinates; cellphone My-Cast is only zip-code or city/state location.
But that’s close enough. Zoomed in (a menu-selection) goes tight enough to see a large area around Altoony, which includes the mighty Curve and Cassandra, two locations I did by global coordinates on my ‘pyooter My-Cast. My ‘pyooter My-Cast shows the same area. I never go as tight as my ‘pyooter will do, as the weather-radar becomes blotchy.

  • The “mighty Curve” (“Horseshoe Curve”), west of Altoona, Pennsylvania, is by far the BEST railfan spot I have ever been to. Horseshoe Curve is a national historic site. It was a trick used by the Pennsylvania Railroad to get over the Allegheny mountains without steep grades. Horseshoe Curve was opened in 1854, and is still in use. (I am a railfan, and have been since I was a child.)
  • We live in the small rural town of West Bloomfield in Western N.Y.
  • “Linda” is my wife of 41+ years. Like me she’s retired, but she works part-time at the West Bloomfield post-office.
  • I had a stroke October 26, 1993, and it slightly effected my mental capacity.
  • “App” is application, like computer software.
  • “‘Pyooter” is computer.
  • “Altoony” is Altoona. “Cassandra” is Cassandra Railfan Overlook in nearby Cassandra, PA; an old abandoned highway overpass over the railroad’s mainline.



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