Tuesday, May 04, 2021


—Yrs Trly is navigating his so-called “wussy-cart” through the aisles at his supermarket.
I see an attractive lady ahead, 90-100 pounds or so, who looked familiar, so I turned toward her.
Our eyes met a second, we didn’t say anything, then we continued shopping.
I met her a second time: “The reason I keep looking at you is you look like someone I used to see up at the YMCA,” I said.
“I haven’t gone there since the pandemic began,” she said.
“Maybe,” I thought to myself. We continued shopping.
I saw her a third time, so I turned toward her.
“I used to work out in the Exercise-Gym,” I said.
“I used to do the ellipticals,” she said.
“So you are who I thought you might be,” I said. “Glad I said something.
I had to switch to the pool,” I said. “My balance is terrible.”
“So is mine,” she said. “I don’t like getting old.”
I don’t like it either!” I exclaimed.
Her eyes said 50+ or so — although who knows? My lifeguard friend at that YMCA is 65 years old. She doesn’t look that old on her lifeguard stand.
We departed after a minute or so, but then we crossed paths a fourth time.
This time it was her talking first: “they’re always changing things in this store,” she said.
“And this was the store I knew,” I said.
She gently caressed my forearm.
Lawd-a-mighty! She’s at ease with me. A girl I always wanted to talk to, but who seemed self-absorbed and outta reach!
“No girl will have anything to do with you, Bobby! Your heart is full of lust!
EVIL and disgusting I tell ya!”

What a pleasant surprise! A female is comfortable with me. (“Impossible!”)
She liked that I recognized her, and told her so.
Maybe someday we’ll meet again, and enjoy each other’s company.
Those Bible-beaters who marked-me-for-life rotate wildly in their coffins; 14,000 rpm, enough to power FL south of Orlando.

• A “wussy-cart” is one of those small shopping carts about one-third the size of the average grocery-cart, which is as big as a Buick. So named by my brother in northern DE when they first came into use maybe 20 years ago.
• A recent crotch-rocket motorcycle might be capable of 14,000 rpm. A Detroit V8 will start tearing itself apart at 7-8,000 (if it gets there).

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