Thursday, May 13, 2021

“Lady-friends” redefined

—The other day one of my three so-called “lady-friends” at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming-pool……
“Lady-friends” only in that they’re friends I can talk to who happen to be female. They’re not sexual triumphs, or lust targets……
All of whom seem will be helping an aging recluse emerge from his shell of self-loathing and confinement.
My friend seemed to take me to task for my being more inclined to strike up conversations with women than with men.
I wondered if she’d been kicking this around in her pretty head since we discussed it weeks ago.
I repeated what I said back then, that men were more likely to bomb. Women always succeed, and much to my surprise.
70+ years ago I was led to believe no woman would ever associate with me.
I repeated my example about some gentleman in my supermarket parking-lot taking my head off when I attempted to strike up a conversation.
As I see it the fact I prefer women is perceived as lust!
Not exactly!
Although they are women after all.
“No female will ever talk to you, Bobby! You are EVIL and deceitful!”
70 years late I discover that was BALONEY!
I shoulda disregarded it, but couldn’t because my hyper-religious parents heartily agreed. I was rebellious and Of-the-Devil because I couldn't worship my holier-than-thou father.
That’s a wonderful thing to tell a five-year-old little boy.
“So yes,” I would say to my pool friend. “I really enjoy that women wanna talk with me. It reverses my hoary past.
Indeed it is new and exciting, but it’s not lust.
Long ago I was convinced no female would ever talk with me, and now so many do. I encourage it!”
Yrs Trly strikes up conversations way more than I ever did before. Do it! Do it! Do it! Say something to ‘em. People wanna talk. Men, women, frumps, ugly persons.
I remember years ago talking with an aging lady who looked like the Wicked-Witch-of-the-West.
Most amazing are the pretty girls. Previously I was scared. “She won’t wanna talk with me; she’s gorgeous and I am nothing.”
“YIPPEE; a guy who wants to talk, and he’s not trying to snag me as a trophy.”
I’ve had it happen.



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