Monday, May 10, 2021

I ain’t switchin’!

—Canandaigua’s YMCA has at least three entrances, maybe four.
My use of that YMCA goes back to before my wife died, and that was nine years ago.
Back then was before that YMCA expanded into a large abandoned Post-Office facility next-door.
So my wife and I probably used what used to be the main entrance then, the one facing out front.
That entrance was since converted into a semi-locked fire-exit.
Out back is the rear entrance. It’s locked but would unlock with your YMCA key-tag.
There also is parking back there, so I switched to out back. When or how I don’t remember.
Then I was advised to switch to aquatic balance-training in that YMCA’s swimming-pool.
I previously worked out in their exercise-gym — their so-called “Wellness-Center.” It has exercise machines and weight training.
With expansion into that abandoned Post-Office facility, that YMCA gained a new main entrance and lobby. It’s adjacent to a new swimming-pool.
A previous swimming-pool was retired and abandoned. The new pool is in a different location.
That new main entrance is on a side-street. It has a giant staircase I call “Jacob’s-Ladder.”
I used to be able to climb that staircase two steps at a time, but no longer. I still can climb it one step at a time. I’m not using the adjacent geezer-ramp yet.
With COVID-19, the rear entrance was decommissioned. In fact the entire YMCA was closed for months.
It reopened in August (I think), but per COVID-19 you hafta sign-up in advance to attend, then members check in with a temperature-check in the lobby.
The rear entrance could only be used if you called the lobby on your phone. Someone would come and let you in.
Use of that YMCA is way down. Prior to COVID-19 we averaged 20-25 per class in aquatic balance-training.
Now we’re down to three or four for one 45-minute class per week. It used to be two classes per week.
As more people get vaccinated against COVID-19, protocols at that YMCA are being eased. I still sign up for that swimming-pool in advance.
That YMCA will go back to key-tag checkin, although they’ll still wanna take your temperature.
Supposedly key-tag checkin will enable YMCA members to go back to using that back door. Which means I could go back to using that rear parking-lot and rear door.
But I don’t know that I wanna.
I’ve gotten used to using “Jacob’s-Ladder,” and parking my car out front.
By doing so I see if my lifeguard friend’s car is in the parking-lot. If it is:“GOODIE! She’s here, and I LIKE IT! We can talk!”
70 years late I’m talking to a female. (“Gasp!) And not only that, she’s an attractive female. (“Double-gasp!”)
“No pretty female will ever talk to you, Bobby! You are disgusting and Of-the-Devil!”
I ain’t switchin’!

• The story of Jacob’s Ladder refers to the vivid, prophetic dream in which Jacob sees a ladder stretching from Heaven to earth. The dream not only represented the connection between God and man; it also affirmed Jacob as the father of God’s chosen people, the Israelites. (Genesis 28:12, King James Version).
• My wife told me she once heard a Bible-beater tell her: “If the King James Version was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!”

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