Thursday, April 15, 2021

“Get thee behind me, Satan!”

—Having completed my aquatic therapy class at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming pool……
And having entertained my various lady friends there……
Yrs Trly would drive home and then return to Canandaigua for shot number-two of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The vaccination clinic was in conference rooms adjacent to Thompson Hospital’s Physical-Therapy department. So it would use the same entrance lobby as Physical-Therapy.
I shuffle in and “hi Bob.” It’s my beloved “Temperature-Ladies” I see every week.
“YIPPEE; it’s that Hughes-guy that makes us laugh and feel attractive.”
The same sorry litany I been hearing all my life:
No pretty lady will enjoy meeting you, Bobby!”
“Where’s ******?” I asked. Usually it’s pretty ****** and ***** with her gorgeous eyes. ****** is astonishingly pretty. ***** is heavier but has gorgeous eyes.
“You guys are the main reason I continue Physical-Therapy,” I thought to myself. “We talk and laugh and ****** says hello to me. We seem to enjoy each other. (“IMPOSSIBLE!”)
Think about it readers: (“CHANGE THE CHANNEL!”)
Being happily greeted by pretty girls improves my mood. When my physical-therapist asks how I am, I project happiness.
But it wasn’t ****** this time. It was someone I knew but not “looker” ******.
“Not this time,” I said, pointing to the vaccination clinic.
But I had to stop and entertain my lady friends.
“You’re hitting me with them eyes again!” I said to *****. “Your husband gets to see ‘em all the time, but me only occasionally, and only if I’m lucky.”
I shuffled into the vaccination clinic, there to fill out forms.
“I forgot my glasses,” I said. The girl filled out the forms for me.
Not far away was another lady with gorgeous eyes. She also had a gigantic rack. Something to entice my lecherous male friends.
“Do I say anything to her or not?” I’ve gotten good at it, but there’s that gigantic rack.
Her eyes were incredible.
I was led into another room. But she followed.
Perish-the-thought I get surmised a lonely hot-to-trot widower, attracted to that gigantic rack.
Thankfully nothing happened. She was led back into the first room, and I was led into a vaccination booth.
Too bad she had that rack. Her eyes were so gorgeous I woulda said something.
It’s also too bad she can’t enjoy the company of men just liking her as a person, instead of a sex-object.
“It’s your eyes,” I woulda told her. “You were blessed!”
“Get thee behind me, Satan!”

• “Get thee behind me, Satan!” is Jesus in various Bible passages (King James version) rebuking the tempter.
• Heard once by my wife: “if the King James version was good enough for Jesus it’s good enough for me!”



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