Friday, November 06, 2020

“Slap me five!”

—Yr Fthfl Srvnt avoids politics or religion in these blogs.
Doing that is an excellent way to lose friends.
“So Jack, let’s not talk about that. I wanna remain friends.”
At Transit they told we bus-drivers to not talk politics or religion with our passengers. “Do that and yer liable to get blown in!”
So I avoid talking about Trump; I have readers who are Trumpsters with whom I wanna remain friends.
Same thing with hyper-religious zealots who read this blog. “Do me a favor: let’s not talk about it. I wanna remain friends.”
So yes, I’m a bleeding-heart liberal (Gasp!) destined directly for Hell.Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to Hell, Bobby!”
That being said, I have a blog in mind which mentions Donald Trump.
The other day (Thursday, November 5th) I did a blood-draw for an upcoming medical appointment. I did it at nearby Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua.
Blood-draw finished, as I started to leave, the one who did it made an anti-Trump remark.
That stopped her in her tracks: dreadful mistake = she’d let out an anti-Trump remark.
“Are you a Trump supporter?” she asked anxiously.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!” I bellowed.
“Slap me five!” she yelled. Social-distancing be damned!
OFF THE HOOK! I wasn’t gonna sue her and her hospital.
“And I ain’t hip to all the evil he’s been charged with, but the one thing that turns me off is that Billy Bush video. The one where he brags about grabbing the privates of starlets.
‘Locker-room talk,’ his supporters say.
Not in any locker-room I ever been in. And if I heard talk like that I’d stalk outta the locker-room.
I’m sorry, but I have too many lady-friends, and was married to one 44&1/2 years. I refuse to think of women as mere dishrags.”
She walked out into an adjacent hallway to turn in my blood vials.
Disappeared, and I hope’d I’d meet her again before I left.
“We could talk forever,” I said when she reappeared.
“Yeah, but I’m on the clock,” she said.
“With any luck he won’t be reelected,” I said; “although I hear he’s trying to stop vote-counting in PA, yet resume vote-counting in GA. (Go figure!)
After that the question is whether he will actually concede and leave office if he loses.
I just want him to go away!” a friend wails.
Whatever, that poor nurse is off-the-hook; she spilled to a non-Trumpster; and Trumpsters can be difficult.

• “Transit” equals Regional Transit Service (RTS), the public transit-bus operator in Rochester, NY, where I drove bus 16&1/2 years (1977-1993).


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