Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Every day something

—“Can I just squeeze in there and get something?” a pretty lady asked me.
I was slowly perusing the frozen vegetables section at my supermarket in search of the elusive frozen asparagus.
Our eyes met, as they wouldna five years ago, and her eyes were gorgeous.
I almost said something, but she grabbed what she wanted, and disappeared.
I continued shopping, then began self check-out. But I forgot my wallet. I asked the supervisor to cancel my transaction, so I could go out to my car and get my wallet.
I ambled outside, and there she was again, taking off her mask, and getting into her car.
Wallet retrieved, I walked over to her car, which was one or two parking-slots away from mine, and she rolled down her window.
“I almost said something,” I said; “but I didn’t. Your eyes are gorgeous.”
“Why thank you!” she gushed.
The infamous Hilda Q. Walton, and my hyper-religious parents, would call that flirting (Ugh!).
For me to tell a female she was attractive would be EVIL and DISGUSTING.
For 70+ years I was convinced no girl would ever have anything to do with me.
Now I find that totally WRONG.
I’m amazed
no female has told me yet to “buzz off, creep” or “get thee behind me Satan!”
I tell some girl she’s pretty, and she blushes. I turn and say hello to a lady yesterday, thereby acknowledging I found her attractive, and she smiles so broadly she lights up the parking-lot.
No one is telling me to “get lost.” They eat it up, or so it seems. Flirting I suppose, but not “hittin’ on ‘em.”
It also helps what got my attention was the eyes, instead of other sexual attributes. (I’m not The Donald.)
Hook-nose, a little heavy in the hips, but gorgeous eyes.
“The eyes are the window to the soul,” a lady-friend tells me. What’s behind those windows might turn me off, but the windows were gorgeous.
After saying goodbye, I hurried back into my supermarket, saying “every day something” to myself.
I bet “pretty-eyes” tells her husband some geezer told her she has pretty eyes. —I think she really liked it. It seemed she did.
I’m told I’m dreamin’ to think so; in which case I say DREAM ON BABY!”



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