Saturday, October 24, 2020


Killian with his ducky. (iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

—“Any chance I can get you to complete your story?”
A gentleman asked me that as he started to pass me on Lehigh Valley RailTrail.
“What story?” I asked.
“Why you come here to say hello to your dog’s ashes,” he said. (Earlier I told him that when he passed me.)
“Well, I’ve had seven Irish-Setters, and Killian was number seven. He was my fifth rescue, and was the most extraordinary setter I ever had.
“What’s a rescue?” the guy asked. “Rescued from a puppy-mill?”
“Nope,” I said. “His previous owner got divorced, and was left with Killian. He had to leave Killian in his house all day so he could work. Not fair to a dog as spunky as Killian.
He didn’t wanna give up Killian. But his situation was unfair to an Irish-Setter.
So he turned Killian over to me, extremely lucky for both of us, the most incredible Irish-Setter I ever had.
Wild and crazy, and also a “people-dog.” He’d lean into people and nuzzle = “Oh what a friendly dog!”
“Thanks to Killian I got so I could talk to pretty girls.
Killian and I hiked this rail-trail many times. He’d yank me towards the woods, and start barking. I never saw anything, but ‘CRITTERS BEWARE!’
All I had to do was give the signal, and not just in these woods, and Bark-bark-bark-bark-bark!'
So I figured these woods were where to put him to rest.
And now his ashes are no longer visible — from dust to dust.”
“I already took a picture of the marker where you dispersed the ashes. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a picture of you. Things being how they are nowadays, not often do I come across a person who cares.”
“I dispersed the ashes of other dogs, but never kept reconnecting,” I said. “But Killian was extraordinary, so ‘hello Killian!’
I can’t stop.
Neatest dog I ever had. I cry every time I say hello.”
“I’m gonna put this on my Facebook,” the guy said as he unholstered his iPhone.
I couldn’t just stand for him, so I sat on a rock. It’ll be a squint photo. The sun was so bright I couldn’t open my eyes.
People ask: “Why are you still heartbroken over losing a dog?”
Killian was extraordinary.



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