Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A gentle flirt

—“If I don’t come into town, I won’t be able to see you!”
I said that to the receptionist/office manager at my nearby investment-firm.
She’s probably in her 40s, if not pushing 50; but she does smile at me, which makes her attractive.
I guess we enjoy talking to each other.
I called regarding a snail-mail I received from that investment-firm the other day. Probably 300 words or more, which is way beyond what the average stroke-survivor can cogitate. But it seemed to indicate my address-of-record had been changed to that of my brother in northern DE.
So I called that investment-firm to see if I could drop in per COVID-19 regulations. (I had other errands.)
“Do you need to see ****?” she asked. (**** is my investment-advisor.)
“Doesn’t matter who,” I said. “It may be you or him.”
“I have that letter up here on my screen,” she said.
“Well okay, it looks like my address-of-record has been changed to that of my brother in northern DE.”
“Not according to what I have,” she said.
My letter was dated October the 15th; her’s was November the 4th — and it indicated my address-of-record had been changed back to what it was before.
“My bad,” she said. Some time ago I noticed my brother’s address in northern DE was “Willington;” which shoulda been “Wilmington.”
We attempted to change that a few weeks ago, but her address change went wonky = changing my address-of-record to that at my brother in northern DE.
She apparently reversed that, so now my address-of-record is what it was before = correct.
“You'll soon be getting another letter, indicating the correction,” she said.
“So I guess I don’t need to come in there,” I said. “But if I don’t I won’t be able to come see you.”
FLIRT ALERT! Very gentle.
“We could talk forever, and it sure would be fun; but back to work ****!
I only mention this because five years ago it wouldna happened.

• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. I pretty much recovered. Just tiny detriments; I can pass for never having had a stroke.



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